Advent — It’s in the waiting

Weather: 49F with a light breeze to keep the pax honest. Perfect weather for YHC to breakout the gloves and hoodie. Welcome: at 0515, YHC greeted the four other brave souls, stated…

Black Friday

67 with 87% Humidity Black Friday Warm up: 5 Core Principles w/ Agitators, MP, imperial Walkers, Motivators from 7 Thang Recovering from the soreness of the Gobbler Challenge & the…

Creative Burpeenessss

Great morning to be at NBP!   5 Core Principles were anounced and the fact I’m not liable for what we are about to partake.   Mozy, High Knees, Monkey…

Goodbye Eta

Weather: 70s, 16 mph wind and rain. Sounds great doesn’t it? And it was!  The rain started hard as we all pulled into the parking lot, but that didn’t phase…

No name Friday

Conditions 69 and clear! Mozi/Warm up We started w jogging the bridges which included “curb”  kerioke,Nur,butt kickers and high knees. Then we warmed up w Ssh, Michael Phelps, arm circles, Imperial walkers,…

Why does it always start with GAS!!!

74° w/ 100% Humidity QiC arrived early to find one other car in the parking lot.  Not recognizing the car and seeing the accumulated moisture on the front window the…

Thurmanator’s Ladder of Pain

PREP:  This Q slot was open as of 9 days prior, and YHC was aware that frequent visitor F3 Thurmanator was DR from Greensboro, so we agreed to co-Q.  There…