Testosterone Track

It’s pretty neat driving west on University at 0425 and seeing other cars with bikes attached….the mind immediate wonders if those crazy people are going to the same place you…

Treat the “E” like the M

Weather: 55F and perfect. Welcome: Greeted the pax and barked the 5 core principles. The Thang: YHC nursing a knee injury, so just had a recovery run in mind. Figure 8’s at…

Ride or Die

Weather: 55F and breezy. Welcome: Greeted the pax and rambled through the 5 core principles. The Thang: YHC prepping for a marathon on Sunday, so an easy pace line ride was in…

Fartleks at the Fort

Great morning to run, temp right at 50 and just a little breeze. Been a while since we’ve done speed work, so Fartleks was the order of the gloom (fun…

Progression seemed like a good idea….

48 Degrees…..enough said. YHC to find a few PAX in the parking lot eagerly awaiting the start of the run…..Defib apparently couldn’t wait so he ran 6 miles prior to…

Shared Leadership…AKA..do what you want!

Weather:  Good The Ft Hamer AO was buzzing this morning..and there were a lot of guys eager to accelerate their fitness.  YHC declared that there would be a rucking option…

Mario Kart

Weather: 68F and dew point about the same — not bad for winter. Welcome: At 0515, promptly greeted the pax and clipped-off the 5 core principles and disclaimer. Away we went…

Old School

Original plan: Intervals. Replacement plan: Old school 6 mile loop. Weather: Might have ran, might have swam. Not sure…. Pace: Enron Prayers: Fireball – Strength, and continued blessings for himself,…

Black Friday — BOGO’s Everywhere!

Weather: 54F and low dew point — perfect for Christmas shopping. Welcome: At 0515, promptly greeted the pax and strolled through the 5 core principles and disclaimer. Greeted three downrange…

Turning miles into burpee’s

Brutus owes 50 burpees……chilipepper you’re next. Bubbles laid down 5.04 solid miles this morning at the Fort.  9 Pax started their T-Day off on the right foot…..well some might’ve started…