MysteriOus guest Q

Being voluntold Q, I reached deep into the bag of thoughts to bring out a Mysterio of a workout. 12 pax headed out with 6 coupons… a conveniently and MYSTERIOUS

5 Year Beatdown

Welcome to YHCs 5 year anniversary beatdown.  More on that later.  The 5 core principles  were given along with the disclaimer and mission statement.  Time for a mosey and a…

No frills just long strides

YHC announced it would be a no frills kinda ruck, just a quick pace. YHC strolled down Lorraine while the Pax played catch up every few minutes and marveled at…

Brutus SubstiQ

Pre-blast: No time.  Last minute Q in place of Kotter, who had a sick 2.0 @ 3:24AM… PREP:  Whip out an old weinke.  Right? WEATHER: 69 and kinda humid 5:15AM:…

The Grinder (Double Dora)

Pre-blast: None. PREP:  No time. WEATHER: warm-ish 5:15AM: 5 core F3 principles.  Welcome (back) to C-PAP – it’s been a hot minute! WARM UP: parking lot mosey with 2 stops…

Kinda like a Dora, but worse.

As a few PAX (including FNG!) finished up Insane Bad Clown, 5:15 rolled around @ the Bad Clown.  Mozy to traffic circle where we performed The Big Sexy! At each…

ABSolutely stupid

The morning started with a few Pax partaking of some pre-work.  The weather was perfect, and the air was heavy with anticipation. We started with the 5CP and mission statement.…

Crazy 88’s

Warmorama: 400 meter lap with balls to the wall pit stop then wallsits followed by walking lunges. Circled up for in cadence burpee breakdown, SSH, strawberry pickers, American hammers, plyo…

Tow and Go

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