Pain at the Ringling

Weather: Absolutely delightful

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Papa Smurf, Nightshift, Coop, Clutch, Trump, Spurrier, Oyster, Puck, Slater, Diesel

Another gloom approached and Trump and YHC decided to clown car down to the Ringling bridge today as I was expecting an FNG. My FNG didn’t post, but a couple of downrange pax and an FNG made for a solid 11 pax.  Disclaimer, core principles and mission statement were shared, and off we headed for the base of the bridge.  Unlike my last Q, this time I did have a number of exercises planned and not just hill repeats..but trust me, those were included.

COP included:

  • 20 SSH IC
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 20 Merkins – single count
  • 10 Freddie Mercury IC

The Thang:

It was time to bring out the Thang.  Inspired by my buddy Fishsticks in F3 the Fort, it was time to do a board of pain, adding the next exercise each time. The run portion included running up the bridge, counting 6 lamp posts and returning.  All told, we traversed just over 2 miles with the mosey and lamp posts.

Exercises and quantities were prescribed as follows:

  1. 15 Merkins
  2. 15 Flutters
  3. 15 SSH
  4. 15 Squats
  5. 10 Burpees
  6. 15 Mountain Climbers
  7. 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  8. 15 Plank Punches
  9. 50 LBCs

The pax pushed one another hard, and t-claps to Coop for helping carry along the FNG through-out the entire beatdown.

After a short mosey back to the statue, and then another short mosey to pick up the 6, it was right at 6am and our work was done.  The 6-mosey proved to be a bit longer as Puck quickly learned that a few months of inactivity, traversing the country in a modified short school bus doesn’t make for good fitness.  If I heard it correctly, Papa Smurf was suggesting he ate too many TastyKakes…or was that a movie he was taking about, something about TastyKake 12?  I digress, as Papa usually brings the best out in all of us.


  • Q needed at DTSP if you are available Saturday
  • 9/9 for Ronald McDonald House


  • Trump’s Mom
  • Lancelot (Praise for a better diagnosis but prayers for his surgery)
  • Traveling Pax
  • Injured Pax
  • First Responders
  • Prayers for growth of the Suncoast into Tampa, Clearwater and Cape Coral

It is always great to welcome downrange Pax, and even better when a downrange pax brings a local FNG.  Welcome Spurrier.  And trust me, you got off easy with the nickname!!

Honored and humbled by this great group of men.

~Bing Out

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