The Hills Are Alive

Weather: 78 and humid

QIC: Lambeau

At 5:15 sharp YHC took a mosey around the parking lot and then stepped out of his comfort zone and headed over to the community just North of the park. Indeed there are gates across the sidewalks but they are NOT locked. The guard on duty confirmed that he sees people run through all the time. So it appears we CAN run in the community North of the park 🙂

At this point YHC headed over to the bridge and attempted to run up and down the grass along the sides. The terrain is really rough and it was difficult to see what you were about to land your foot on. Add to this the fact the grass was wet and slippery and this just seemed like a good way to get injured. So I headed over to the sidewalks and ran from the crosswalk, up the hill to the beginning of the bridge span and back several (6?) times. I lost count. I then made another loop around the parking lot to finish up the morning.

All told I covered 2.4 miles and my legs were feeling the extra elevation I had conquered.