Not what you expect

Weather: Decent, and little humidity

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Sterling, Condenser, Blocker, Trump, Crabcakes, Fishsticks, Snapshot, Slater, Diesel, Daisy, Miyagi, Papa Smurf, Doubtfire

Pax assembled and YHC shared the disclaimer, core principles and mission statement, and we took off for a mosey up the hill. The mosey was an indian run while passing the soccer ball back, once it reaches the last pax in the line, they sprint to the front. There was a reason we had a soccer ball with us today with us today, but when YHC saw the length of the grass, it was time to completely modify the weinke, on the fly!!

Upon arriving on top of the hill, the pax circled up for the following COP:

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Strawberry pickers x10 IC
  • Hillbilly Walkers x10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC

And it’s time to get the heck out of this long grass when I realized I could only see the top of Fishsticks head (not literally, but close)! That, and the inches of water in the grass made for a soggy start.

Thinking quick on my feet, we headed over to the bottom of Grandmother hill, partnered up and executed some BurpBack Mountain.  Partner 1 runs up the hill, backwards 5x, while always facing his partner (enough said).  Partner 2 starts with burpees. Collectively, each pairing would finish 100 burpees.  Each partner got to do about 50 burpees and at least 10 x up the hill backwards.  This was a great start to the beatdown.

In an effort to stay on the trails, we then moseyed over to the next wider opening for a round of 11s.  Carolina Dry Docks and LBCs were the exercise of choice.  A nice round of planking took place while awaiting the six.

Following another short mosey, it was time for the pax to circle up for a round of squats and SSHs.  Each Pax took a turn doing 5x SSH while the remainder of the pax held the squat position.  Passerby’s seemed to enjoy this as if they were being serenaded on their run/walk.  Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 reps.

After a final mosey to the base of mother hill, it was decided that we had enough time for a few trips up Mother hill. 10x merkins at the bottom and 10x merkins up top.  Second trip included 15x merkins at the bottom and top.  Just enough time was left for the pax to take one more trip up mother hill to pick up the six.

While NOTHING in this weinke was planned, it ended up being a pretty solid beatdown and left us all with sore hamstrings and a good amount of sand/dirt and hopefully no chiggers! And, we somehow survived the entire beatdown with no 4 on the roar!

COT commenced with the following:


  • 9/9 Ronald McDonald House serving
  • No F3 Beach bums today – look for a date likely up north to include DTSP, Clearwater and even Lutz pax


  • Prayers for Gator and a swift recovery from his accident and surgery.  We love you buddy!!
  • Prayers for Snapshot and his M leading up to her Doctor appointment
  • Prayers for Trumps mother
  • Prayers for Daisy’s new job, move and podcast endeavor
  • Prayers for Doubtfire and his family
  • Prayers for Miyagi’s sisters transition back to the states and her first new job
  • Prayers for the foster child of Condenser and for his M during the transition of the forever home

Leadership was the message today, and the pax were challenged to take a hart look at the Q Schedule and lock down both southern locations monthly.  Without scheduled Qs, pax don’t know what to look forward to, leadership isn’t prepared, and backblasts are absent.  Downrange Pax won’t know what to expect, or to expect anything at all!

It was great to welcome Daisy (Charleston area pax moved to Riverview) and Miyagi (Louisville pax to Hyde Park area). We are excited about the prospects of growth north and the prospect of working closely with the Lutz gang to help re-launch Tampa.

With a fairly easy EH, it was great to see Condenser and Blocker back out.  Hopefully this wasn’t a one time thing as they are both too great of men to not see often!

Thanks to Trump, Crabcakes and Fishsticks for joining me at Celery Fields for a new AO visit.  It’s always an honor to share a beatdown with these men.  And it was great to have Fishsticks ask questions to learn more about “the Six” and know that we leave no man behind.

Sterling – Love your renewed interest in positing to more bootcamps and joining me on this journey.  And I’m glad you made it through a beatdown with no red ant bites!

Shapshot – always pushing himself, and the results are evident!  You are a true HIM and I love being in your presence.

Slater and Diesel – our twins to the south!  It’s always great to have you both sweating with us, especially because we often hear Slater’s laugh, and Diesel’s grunting!!  Maybe it’s the grunting that causes the laughing…or is it Papa Smurf?

Speaking of Papa Smurf…man, 3 days in a row posting with you!!  Thanks for all you do for this Pax, and thanks for the hilarious commentary!!  Not sure why Gargamel came up today, but it was funny as always!

And last but not least, Doubtfire…it’s great to have a downrange pax, especially one that posts multiple times in a week. Thanks for visiting and thanks for bring the solid efforts at two of our more extreme AOs!

Always an honor to lead such a great group of men!  Thanks for the patience with the grassy conditions, and thanks for following me during this great 60-minutes!


~Bing Out


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