No Q, No Problem

5:15 rolled around, and the Q had not arrived, so off we went for a mosey around the lot including high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke (2) to end at COP.

  • SSH (30 IC)
  • Merkins (10 IC)
  • Mountain Climbers (14 IC)
  • Imperial Walkers (10 IC)
  • Monkey Humpers (10 IC)

The Thang

In an effort to keep moving and get away from the mosquitos, we took off for a speed bump beatdown.  Run to each speed bump and execute a set of 3 exercises (there are a total of 5 speed bumps plus the end of the road). Outbound we performed the following:

  • Merkins (20)
  • Squats (20)
  • LBCs (20)

Inbound we gave our arms a slight break and performed the following:

  • Moroccan Night Clubs (20)
  • Lunges (20 each leg – a lot)
  • Homer to Marge (20)

After a quick run back to the lot, we had just enough time for a round of 7’s including Merkins (feet on curb) and Git Ups.


  • November 4th – Veterans Day stand down volunteer opportunity – details to come
  • Adopt a block volunteer opportunity – Sniper to provide more details
  • Ragnar sign-ups


  • Lifted up all unspoken prayer requested.

YHC shared the message shared by Kotter on Saturday in which marriage isn’t about doing your fair share, rather it’s about stepping up as a man and doing what it takes to get things done.  There is no keeping score or keeping a tally on who did what, just step up and get it done.