Monitor shows Merkin: shock advised

F3 beatdown 8/7/18


Mosey/warm-up:  Mosey around lot x 2

                               Arm circles

                               Moroccan NC x 50

                               American hammer x20

                               In-and-outs/MCx 15 Superset: Incline merkin x 20: Bench dip x 10 for 5 sets. Called an audible at round 4

The thang: AMRAP(25 minutes):

5 diamond merkins

                                    10 LBCs

                                    5 military merkins

                                    10 squats

                                    5 wide merkins

                                    10 leg lifts

                                    5 dry docks

                                    10 Pax choice

OT(led by Kotter in the CoT): Jack Whips: ascending Merkins from 1-10 with descending overhead clap from 10-1

CoT: 1 FNG “White water”

The Gloom was as heavy with the anticipation of a VQ routine as it was with the humidity of a Florida August morn. 13 Pax entered the Circle of Pain ready to do work. The comrades did not hesitate to uplift their new Q at any moments notice. There was a hiccup when the Q did not map out the AMRAP routine adequately but Mr. Clean was quick to call a “Pax choice” and we did not miss a beat. An audible was called on warm up, again, the men easily adapted and continued to advance the field. There was not a Pax among the brigade that was willing to surrender and the AMRAP/Merkin/beast was utterly destroyed. A proud morning for a new Q!

P.S. Thanks to Kotter for closing out the morn.



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