Monday Morning Blackjack

Weather: Humid and Partly Cloudy. 76 degrees with 90% Humidity.  Full moon visible through the clouds which provided additional lighting over the Echo Chamber.

10 PAX gathered this morning for a two hand version of Blackjack inside the echo chamber.  Great to have a couple of the injured PAX returning to the gloom and a surprise Monday appearance by Bing.

We started with the disclaimers and a 2 lap mosey around the parking lot…Mosey consisted of high knees, butt kickers and an impromptu all out sprint to the white sign….confusion ensued because there were two white signs….thankfully no one collided.


17 SSH’s in Cadence led by Baron……although someone, Bing, tried to stop at 10

18 Agitators

19 Michael Phelps

20 Forward arm circles followed by 20 reverse arm circles

The PAX then headed to the Echo-Chamber and the rules of BlackJack were explained…

Pax would start at one end of chamber and do 1 repetition of designated exercise and then PAX would run to the other end and do 20 of a different exercise…the PAX would then return to the starting side via designated mode and complete 2 repetitions of first exercise and then run to far side and complete 19……the PAX continued this pattern until 20 reps were completed at starting side and 1 rep was completed at far side.

Hand 1:



Mode of transportation back to start was Ner

Hand 2:

Big Boy Sit-ups

Overhead Claps

Mode of transportation back to start was side shuffle.

Announcements:  PAX traveling to Lutz this Saturday AM for a beatdown.  Contact Bing for additional information

Praise:  Lancelot on completion of first Tri, Pudge for assistance in getting Stagecoach to the gloom

Prayer Requests: The Tibetts family.  First Reponders, Military, Police, Firefighters, Our Country

Crabcakes OUT!!