Death Wish 50

F3 Purpose and values given. Nailed the disclaimer.

Warm Up:

SSH x 20 IC

Dancing Bears x 10 IC

ATM’s IC. Alternating Shoulder taps x 10. Tempo Merkins x 10 and regular merkins x 10

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC.

The Thang:

Line up along field for Charles Bronson. Do the exercise and run to first set of cones (100 yards). Bear crawl to second set of cones (10 yards). Mosey back and hold an Al Gore  while waiting on the six. Exercises were:

50 SSH

50 Merkins

50 Burpees

50 Jump Squats

50 LBC’s.

While on the grass everybody get in the chillicut or low plank position with space between each pax. First in line bunny hopes over the legs of all pax on ground. Hold plank until last man finishes.

Spinal Taps gives us a 10 count. Now head to basketball area and circle up for some Mary.

Flutters x 20 IC

Hello Dollies x 20 IC

Now partner up for a traditional DORA. Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 runs around the trees near entrance of park. Exercises were:

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 LBCs.

Spent last few minutes helping each other finish their totals.


17 Pax present. Welcome to Florida and to F3 Spinal Tap.

Group me is dead. Get on slack

Next sat. All AO is open. A lot heading to Lutz.

10 year anniversary open. Link to help sponsor.


Hurricane for people.

Prayers for our country and leaders and those with Corona.  Turn toward the Lord. Pray for hospitals. First responders.

Passport with cancer.