Monday Morning Beatdown

Weather: 42 degrees and calm.

YHC set a record of rising from the fartsack and posting at the AO, in a mere 10 minutes.  Must’ve missed the alarm but awoke at 5:05a, double checked the watch and flew out of bed, dressed, and was out the door.  Thankful the AO is only a few minutes from the house.  5:15 hit as the car hit the parking spot and I sprung from the car spouting the disclaimer and welcoming the FNG.  Used the mosey as the opportunity to secure the waistband on my pants as clearly the last time I wore these pants was 30 lbs heavier!

With the disclaimer shared, we were off for a mosey (did I put my car in park?  who knows, it’s not moving so I must’ve).  Butt Kickers, High Knees, Carioca x2, and Toy Soldiers were thrown into the two lap mosey.


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • Plank Series
  • LBCs

The Thang

Teamwork was the theme for today, and teamwork we did!  Dora 1-2-3 was on the docket.  Partner up. Partner 1 does the run around the parking lot while Partner 2 starts the exercise.  Flip Flop when the runner returns and continue the count of the following:

  1. 1o0 Squats
  2. 200 LBCs
  3. 300 Moroccan Night Clubs (4 Count – YES!)

In order for a team to be successful, everyone needs to put in their best effort.  This doesn’t mean take it slow on the run so your partner carries the bulk of exercises.  Hammer the run to get back and do your fair share of exercises.  And the pax obliged.  A great effort was put forth by all!

More teamwork as we took off for a mosi around the park, stopping along the way to do 3 sets of exercises.  The exercises were mountain climbers, flutter kicks and burpees.  10 of each.  The Q had control of the distance that was run in between, and that was fun, especially after the second set with only a 10 ft run in between!  5 total sets/stops were done, and we ended up in the parking lot for a quick round of mary.

  1. Merkins
  2. Rope Climbers
  3. SSH
  4. Captain Thor (Guess who)
  5. Freddie Mercury

It is always an honor to lead this group of men.  It was a cold Monday morning, with plenty of excuse to Fartsack, but these 9 men took on the challenge to get stronger and appreciate the hard work their partner put in.  It was also great to meet an FNG on such a chilly gloom!!  Great job, Trump!


  • Night to Shine Volunteer opportunity
  • Bridge a Life 5k
  • Check junk folder for newsletters


  • Praise for a great showing at Men’s Night
  • Prayers for Thor’s Dad, Dave.
  • Prayers for Trump’s 2.0 with the move and transitioning to a new city
  • Prayers for those trapped in the fartsack
  • Prayers for the first responders

Thank you for the opportunity to lead, and thank you for putting up with the frantic nature of my start!

~Bing out!