Backblast from the Rotten to the Core Gloom

Ripken started the day with a solo 2.9 mile “warm up” at 4:45 as the rest of us hit the snooze button.

Started off with a  Mosy around the parking lot while doing some high knees, butt kicks and Karaoke’s.

Jogged over to basketball to focus on our core. Work out consisted of performing each of the sets of exercises at the end line, half court and end line.

20 Reverse Crunches

10 Side Plank Hip raises on each side

20 Butterfly Sit Ups

30 Mountain Climbers

30 Flutters

Jogged over to the 4 Square Court for a round of 11’s

Windmills at one end and Side Straddle Hops on the other.

This is when the “newish” Q learned he did not have enough exercises to last 45 minutes so time to improvise with some help from his friends.

Jog off to the far end of the parking lot to do some more rounds of 11’s

Imperial Walkers on one end and Squats on the other end.

Time for a round of 7’s

Carolina Dry Docks on one end and Merkins on the other end.

Round of Mary

Side Straddle Hops

Heels to Heaven


Shoulder Taps

Freddy Mercury (I think…)