Weather: 72 and humid, but it is starting to cool of a tad.

The pax continue to show up in solid numbers at this great AO, and YHC was honored and excited to lead the pax.  The disclaimer was shared, core principles reviewed, and off we went on an extended mosey towards the baseball fields.

Stop 1 included the following exercises:

  1. SSH x15 IC – wait, here comes a car
  2. Monkey Humpers x10IC
  3. SSH x15 IC – had to finish what we started
  4. LBCs x10IC
  5. Weezy Jeffersons x15 IC

Continue the mosey, only to find out that the park has added additional fencing and locks on the baseball diamonds.  Who does that anyway!?! So, in typical F3 fashion, we modified and created our own field of pain that included 4 cones set up along the curve in the side street.  While YHC set up the cones, Kotter took over for a few rounds of merkins and mountain climbers.  Thanks Kotter!  First up was a round of Hank Aarons which includes running hard to 1st base and then easy around the remaining of the bases until you return home.  2nd round – hard to 2nd base.  3rd round – hard to 3rd base and 4th round is a homerun.  If a pax member is passed by another Pax member during the sprint, they are to drop and do 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat for round 2.  Squats were called for when awaiting your turn on the bases.

Next it was time for some F3 baseball.  The pax divided up into 3 groups of 4.  With an exercise at each cone, the group would do 120 reps of each exercise, as a team.  Once complete, move to the next cone.  Each team gets a point once they pass the cone they started on.  The idea was to do quality form exercises, not just race through them (this includes doing squats and not twerking).  The exercises were as follows:

  • Moroccan Night Club (IC) x120
  • LBCs x120
  • Squats x120
  • Merkins x120

The teams were evenly matched and did a great job pushing through 2 laps of F3 Baseball.

It was time to mosey back to our starting point with an attempted indian run, that could be best described as a fail.  Kotter made a great suggestion that he wants to Q an entire workout, just to master the indian run.

At the intersection, we stopped for a quick round of Mary including:

  • Hurry – a car is coming – Monkey Humpers x10IC
  • 30-60-90 in honor of Flashdance

After the remaining mosey back to the flag, we circled up right at 6am!

Great job by the pax!  2.1 miles ran with a fair bit of interval style running.  No man was left behind, but no man was left where he started either.


  1. 10/20 2nd F family gathering at the Adventure Park 2-4pm
  2. Care2Tri race – sign up
  3. Skeet shooting event – sign up
  4. Triathlon in February – great for a first timer!
  5. Read your newsletter and learn all about famous fartsacks!


  1. Praise to Jimmie Dean on hitting his 1 year anniversary of F3.
  2. Prayers for False Start’s coworker (or was it friend) who had to have multiple bypass surgery
  3. Praise for great report for Brian, returning home from stay in ICU. Needs prayers as his heart repairs itself.
  4. Other spoken and unspoken prayers.

It’s always an honor to lead this great group of men.  Every one of you has chosen to disrupt your status quo, and today you did by pushing yourself with more running than usual.  I admire all of your hard work and appreciate every one of you!

Bing Out!

1 thought on “MODIFY!”

  1. Today was my First at this AO and I promise it wouldn’t be my last !
    It was challenging yet fun and it was great to see the brothers that I don’t usually see
    @Clutch, diesel, Double Deuce, False Start, Hercules, Kotter, Papa Smurf, Slater, SnapShot
    And our group @Bing, Jimmy Dean

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