Mario Kart F3!

Weather: chilly (low 50s), but with many recent beatdowns in the 40s, today felt pretty nice. Minimal wind. This makes Florida shine when compared to temps and wind chills other parts of the country are experiencing right now (low-teens and twenties with -50 wind chill in Chicago today!).

Pre-run: 5-miles for YHC and Bing. Olympus joined us for an easy 3.

Welcome: at exactly 0515, YHC engaged in a quick welcome that included the 5 core principles followed by a two lap  mozey that included skips, lateral slides and nur.


  1. SSH x25IC
  2. Merkins x15OYO
  3. Mt Climbers x20IC
  4. Imperial Walkers x20IC

The Thang: YHC wanted to bring something fresh and fun to Nolan this gloom, so inspiration from the 2.0s was a good place to start. In the Gridlock home, Mario Kart 8 is all the rage. It’s fast paced, quirky and fun! In the game, various characters and vehicles are utilized to race against a host of other characters. There are plenty of different courses and lots of fun weapons. The weapons are used to slow down opposing racers. Weapons range from bombs, to banana peels, fire balls, and turtle shells. Weapons must be used strategically to ensure victory. So, YHC thought it appropriate to bring Mario Kart F3-style to the pax.

The rules are simple — while continuously running laps around the parking lot, if a pax came upon an exercise being performed, said pax must immediately stop and do the exercise and # of reps. The exercises represent the various “weapons” of Mario Kart. YHC deployed the weapons when a randomized phone timer “exploded” anywhere from 30-90 seconds from timer start. When the timer exploded, YHC deployed a weapon (i.e., exercise) and a count (usually 30 according to various disgruntled pax).

The beatdown continued in this manner for its duration. The only rules were that once a pax overcame a given weapon, if the weapon was still deployed in the same location on the next lap, then the exercise could be skipped.

The only additional feature of Mario Kart F3 was the incorporation of YHC’s trusty sledgehammer. The sledge was stationed at the start and the first pax to pass it had to carry it for one lap. The sledge was the symbolic equivalent of the Golden Mushroom in Mario Kart — it gave its holder immunity from any weapons deployed during the upcoming lap. Essentially, the sledge holder could simply run the lap without doing any exercises (other than running) and then drop /slam / place the sledge back at the start once one lap was completed for another pax to pickup. Several times various nettlesome pax graciously declared “nice work” as they passed by a group of grumbling pax getting hammered by a deployed weapon. For an added dimension, the sledge represented the smashing of individual goals, whatever they may be.

Mario Kart F3 Weapons Deployed:

  1. LBCs x30
  2. Burpees x15
  3. Freddy Mercuries x30 each leg
  4. Scissor Kicks x15
  5. Air Squats x30
  6. Lunges x15 each leg
  7. Shoulder Taps x20 each arm
  8. Plank Jacks x30
  9. Mt Climbers x30
  10. Hydraulics x15
  11. Sumo Squat x30
  12. Body Builders x10
  13. Scorpions x10 each leg
  14. Big Boy Situps x20
  15. Russian Twists x15 each side
  16. Capt Thors x5
  17. Peter Parkers x10 each leg
  18. CDDs x15
  19. Side Plank Leg Lifts x10 each side
  20. Bobby Hurly’s x30
  21. Leg Lifts x50
  22. SSH x100
  23. Walk-out Merkins x10

All 12 pax completed the Mario Kart F3 challenge and overcame all deployed weapons. There was zero extra time as we stopped at exactly 0600. Well done!


  1. 2nd F tonight at Pinchers (5:30-ish).
  2. Bridge A Life Superhero 5k is Sat, Feb 16…have 15 pax signed-up!
  3. YHC asked the group if there were goals any of the pax wanted to publicly announce so we can hold one-another accountable. Two goals were expressed: A) Lambeau will run a marathon. B) Trump will get under 200lbs.

Prayers / Praises:

  1. First Responder’s safety.
  2. Goob has 3 interviews on Monday.
  3. Trump is looking for a couple loan officers to help build-out his growing team.

YHC is thankful for the opportunity to lead a great group of men! Great job to everyone for pushing right to the end!

“To do what others cannot do, be willing to do what others will not do.”
