Got Hammered

Meet up at WaWa with two new PAX for their first F3 Cycle. Manziel and a visitor from Ny (Hammer) who was at an F5 workout, and recruited by Big Mac and Drake to join.

6 am was upon us, so off we went. It was apparent from the start, Hammer was a serious cycler. He quickly jumped out to set the pace and YHC was pushing it to keep up. This of course spread out the PAX rather quickly.

Hammer and YHC averaged 20+ Mph, Bing and Cotton Tail stuck together around 18+ Mph, Big Mac  and Trump were a little behind that, Manziel was the 6. Understandably there was no way Manziel could keep the pace on his mountain bike vs the road bikes. He sure did hang in there extremely well for his first time out. Great job brother!

Hammer was no joke and he gave YHC one heck of a push. Unfortunately YHC wasn’t up to keeping him within the usually drafting distance. There were times he certainly got some distance ahead. YHC was missing Ripken, knowing he would of laid it out and been more of a contender. That would of been great to witness!

We all got some miles in ranging distance of 14 to 20+. Way to “Hammer” it today PAX, always a pleasure to ride with you all.

Pincher out!