Honoring our Veterans

Weather: 65 and clear – Feeling the chill in the air!

With a smaller than usual Pax, and a reminder that the numbers were similar to our weekday posting, YHC introduced the concept of Concentrica and Concentric relationships as shared by Dredd on the following pod cast: Concentrica  Take a listen and review the graphic shown.  Then we were off for a mosey around the parking lot with all of the usual; high knees, butt kickers, karaoke (x2) and nur.

The Thang:

In an effort to show thanks to our veterans, the pax partnered up and executed the following T.H.A.N.K.S. beatdown in Dora 100-200-300 style:

  • 100 Tempo Merkins
  • 200 Hurleys – Bobby Hurleys to be exact
  • 300 American Hammers
  • 100 Nolan Ryans
  • 200 Kicks – Donkey Kicks
  • 300 Side Straddle Hops

Partner 1 performs the exercise while partner 2 runs a lap around the parking lot/Greenbrook Blvd.

Next up was time for Balls to the Wall for a 20 count x2 followed by two rounds of Peoples Chair, once with 10 overhead claps IC and once as Name-O-Rama was done.


  1. Prayers for those Pax running the Savage Run today and tomorrow
  2. Prayers for our country
  3. Prayers for those impacted in Texas
  4. Prayers for injured pax.

Afterwards, YHC shared a sermon that my brother, Fr. Steve talked about a former parishioner who had an amazing relationship with Jesus and how, even in the utmost pain from spinal cancer, commented that the pain she is suffering does not compare to the pain Jesus felt suffering on the cross. Take a moment to listen to the podcast from 11/5/17 here: St. John’s Priest Podcast


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