Weather: 75 and maybe cool? Was that rain or bugs hitting us?
Pax: Ripken, Bing, Sniper, Propeller, Brutus, Cotton Tail, Yamaha, Dogo, Posh, I Spy
We welcomed Propeller to the ride as he was EHed by Brutus. Was also great to have Dogo back with us for week number 2 in a row! COT was concluded prior to the ride as customary.

The pax took off but quickly lost Posh, even with doubling back we couldn’t find him. Turns out it was a flat near his house that took him out.
The remainder of the pax headed over to the overpass on Linger Lodge for some hill repeats. After a total of 3 repeats and 250 ft climb, we headed back home. It was great to hang out on Brutus’s side of the track.
As always, it’s great to ride with this high impact group and look forward to the next ride.