Ghost Of Baby Shark Was Jumping… Say whaaaa!

Weather – warm 76, humid …. Its Florida 🙂

While setting up my DJ booth 3 Pax@”Bing/Rowdy/Ripken”  were  already finishing the baby 5 mile pre run, ( Thank God I didn’t join these animals on their sub 7 minute Pace pre run, I truly need to eat my Wheaties before even thinking of  joining)  Pax stepped out of their cars only to be greeted by blaring music from BigMac  DJ booth and shortly after Ripken announces time……Disclaimer /reciting F3 core principles  then it was time for reverse out  the norm worm up starting with Jimmy Dean stretches first then mosey  around the outside sidewalk and we stop right in the middle of the sidewalk under the light for our first surprise part of the COP… It was a time for the

*The Big Sexy 

With 2 officers thinking of how to explain what they were doing to fellow officers if someone saw them doing these exercises we thanked god that there were no cars around us but it was funny challnging  start doing ;

  • 30 Monkey Hampers
  • 30 Pickle Pounders
  • 30 Pickle Pointers

Laughing hard  we continued the mosey stopping in another .25 mile to do sets of  21’s , COP ( In cadence count 1-5 followed by silent 6-21 on your own count with penalty of 5 Merkins  for any mistakes )  

  • SSH   ” The Q confuses a deep breath with a count and we do 5 merkins   “^%$#@”
  • Windmills
  • Toy Solders



We picked up the water and flag heeded to the base of the tower and the loud music where the fun began.  4  SONGS  CHALLENGE”  explaining a set of 4 songs  with a q word to do an exercise ;

1- Ghostbusters                                                                                                                                                    With pax doing a Forward Lunges During the song  then Burpee  for the Q word  GHOSTBUSTERS .…. Sounds easy ?… Think again!  …..  The Pax recover, 10 sec. water break While delivering on his message on one of the 5 Virtue ” Commitment”


2- Baby Shark Pinkfong   (Dooo Dooo Doo DDooo ” with every song verse change the pax changed from LBC’s To Dying Cockroach … suddenly all pax are  Not happy  yet going full speed crunches …. less than 2 minutes later recover and more of the 5 Virtue ” Commitment”

3- Jump Around  ” Aka House Of Pain”                                                                                                                                               Pain comes calling with Double  boxing Jabs  during the song   Air Jump on 2nd Q word Jump and full non stop  overhead clap with air jump during  Course Q word jump !!!!!!!  Pax dripping wet yet following the perfect form demonstrated by our boxer @Chilipeper . we all finished the song  and went for more water with more message from the Q on commitment.

4-Turndown for what ….   “Hated By Rowdy”                                                                                            To close it with the big twist ..During  song we do shoulder Taps  then 5 mountain climbers on  Turn down for what …. classic PAIN sealing the deal but Rowdy makes sure Q knows to never use this song agin ….. Heard


Between the  4 songs challenge we did double of fun things

5- Single file steps jump / Hand walk                                                                                                                             Stealing a page from one of @Ripken famous beatdowns the Q lead a single file to the back of the tower where they use the lenth of the large steps  on a raised hand walks and step dead jumbs.


6-Stairway to Heaven  for some Dirty Hook-up                                                                                                                                          Single file at the base of the tower, pax speed  walking top of the tower while the Q keep stressing the “Commitment ”    with no mercy ( when the Q stops to take a breath .. he hears Bing ….. NOOOO do not stop keep talking .. the Q does but he pays it back with a dirty hook-up   (performed as 4 count exercise. Pax plank up, facing a wall with eyes on wall. “1” Right hand raised to press against the wall, “2” Left hand raised to the wall (now in horizontal plank), “3” Right hand down to ground, “4” Left hand down (back to plank position).


*  COT at top of the tower, we circled up for the Q to finish the delivirey of  his message asking his Pax to think of F3 as more than just a fitness bootCamp. The Q shares





Commitment Unwavering Loyalty To The Group And Unflinching Determination To Accomplish It’s MissionLoyalty requires abandonment of self, Commitment is the second of the five F3 Leadership Virtues—the Habits and Ethics of moral excellence. Commitment has two components, unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish the Group’s Mission. The former is focused more upon the Group as an entity and the Members that comprise it while the latter concerns the Purpose for which it was formed. Because he is Committed, the Virtuous Leader is both loyal and determined.



  • Christmas with the homeless men.. planning meeting at Pinchers  next Wed 11/14 at 6:30.. Event is Dec 11 at 6pm
  • Turkey trout / Jingle Run
  • Triathlon on Super Sunday
  • Bridge of Life Super Hero 5K (2/16 at NBP) supporting Gridlock’s organization that helps Foster and Adoption Children and Families.



  • for all our first responders
  • Mr. Clean  family and mom as he head to NY for a visit with family and the doctor
  • Prayers for all the elected officials to lead our country
  • Prayers for Chili pepper and his family ” God have a plan “