Friday Phun

Mosey started w doing all the normal stuff on second lap.

Warm up

Our warm up was a doozy… Moroccans, high knee touches,Arm circles, SSHops, huggers, mountain climbers, Windmills and finally bad back stretches.

The Thang

We crossed the street to bike path hill and started with drills at the bottom and then ran to the top to double up on our “sharpening”.

Round 1 bottom was quick feet around a cone for 30 seconds clockwise and 30 seconds counter clockwise and then up the hill for 50 Merkins. Run back down the hill for round 2.

Round 2 Heisman X25 and run back to the top for 50 wide Merkins and run back down for R3.

Round3 Double Heisman (tire,tire, hold)X25 and run up hill for 50 LBCs back down the hill for one more quick feet around the cone.

Round 4 was back up to top for more ab work 10 forward/back bike peddle, 10 crunchy frogs, 15 heels to heaven and 15 American hammers.

Back over to the Finnish tower we jogged to close with an 11. Jump squat press at the bottom and Merkins at the top!!!

We ran out of time to Finnish 11… more like a 6 and headed to the COT.


Praise/ Prayers

Night to Shine/ We have pax members volunteering.

We prayed for the organizer and their first time running a Night to Shine and for all the participants!

”I rebuke anxiety and fear in Jesus name we pray.”