F3 All-Star Week Baseball Challenge

It was 6:55 and only 3 PAX were in sight.  YHC was mentally scrambling on how to modify his prepared beatdown.  Fortunately (and in typical F3 fashion), we finished strong, with 7 more PAX posting before the starting bell rang.  YHC advised that it was All-Star week for the Major Leagues and, as a result, we’d honor America’s Pastime with a baseball-themed workout.  With no FNGs present, a silent disclaimer was given, and the workout commenced expeditiously.

The PAX moseyed about 1/3 of a mile, incorporating Lunge Walks, Carioca, Butt Kickers, Toy Soldiers, and High Knees.  Following, we moseyed to the basketball court and circled-up.


  • SSH – IC – 25
  • Merkins – IC – 10
  • Plank / Left Arm High / Plank / Right Arm High / Plank
  • Heel Raisers – IC- 15
  • Abe Vigoda – IC – 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs – IC – 30

The Playlist

YHC has recently made it a point to build playlists with loose ties to the beatdown’s theme.  Below is the music selected for today (despite iTunes and the speaker not fully cooperating).

The Thang

The PAX counted-off  and were divided into two teams: the Hartford Yard Goats, and the Savannah Bananas…two ridiculously-named minor league baseball teams.

Each team was assigned to a separate baseball diamond.  YHC explained the format of the game:

  • 3 baseball diamonds total, each including different sets of exercises.  Each team will play on 1 diamond for 1 inning.
  • Each inning lasts 9-minutes.  1-minute water break/rotate diamonds between innings.
  • Every team must start the inning at the exercise listed at home plate.
  • In between bases is a motion-based exercise.  At each base is a physical exercise where 15 reps must be completed before advancing.
  • Each individual crossing home plate equals 1-run.  Rinse and repeat until time expires – must cross home for a run to count.
  • Total Team Scores would be tabulated at the end of each inning.  3 Innings Total.

Following, YHC advised that each baseball diamond was set-up with bases.  Accompanying each base was a cone with a schematic of that field’s exercise path.  Between 2nd and 3rd on each diamond was a ladder, where PAX would complete the in-and-out footwork drill in order to advance.  Diamonds and exercises are listed below.

Mumble Chatter was high throughout the beatdown.  It was hot and humid.  Guys were gassed.  Shirts were shed.  In the end, the Savannah Bananas came on strong in the final inning to achieve victory over the Yard Goats by 1-run!  Over 150 runs were tallied total–nice job, guys!


With 10-minutes left, and just a little bit of fuel left in everyone’s tank, YHC circled-up the PAX.  Lots of squats were done in this beatdown, so lower bodies were tired.  YHC acknowledged the fatigue, and prescribed a dose of Bring Sally Up, a 3:26 squat-specific exercise drill.  Mumble Chatter roared!  5-minutes now remained.  Our fuel gauges were on E.  But YHC isn’t a merciful Q.  So, naturally, we concluded with Thunderstruck…

Name-O-Rama ~ https://instagram.com/p/BlN0WsFHEio/


An All-Star is defined as being an outstanding performer or player.  If you think about it, many of the characteristics of being “outstanding” (i.e. an “All-Star”), are congruent with being a High Impact Man (HIM).  Yet, while each of us are “All-Stars” at many things, we all likely have areas in our lives where we’re not demonstrating excellence.  YHC encouraged the PAX to take the next week and reflect on an area where they’re not functioning at All-Star levels.  Is it with your marriage?  Is it with your children or family unit?  Is it with a battle against addiction?  Is it with your job?  Is it with your fitness?  Is it with your relationship with Sky Q?  Whatever the item/s may be, YHC encouraged the PAX to choose one (1), and put together a plan to achieve “All-Star” status on that item, bringing each of us one step closer to being holistic HIM.


  • Bing and Shamwow are requesting some assistance on Sunday afternoon (1PM) to move some furniture
  • Backdraft has EH business cards available for any PAX needing them
  • Ft Hamer Bridge Run 8/25
  • Mud Titan Run 8/25
  • Siesta Key Tri -September something
  • Launching a new AO in downtown Sarasota.  Go time is 7/19, 5:15a. Park in the marina lot and meet at the statue at the base of the Ringling Bridge

Prayer Requests

  • Jimmy Dean: prayers for strength and positive transition as his family prepares to send their son to college
  • Recall: prayers for safe travel for he and his M.  Prayers for the well-being of his 2.0 and their caregiver while they’re gone.

Great job today, men!
