Definitely no burpees here

Last time I was on Q, we did a burpee or two. And some PAX started complaining about burpee overload. It didn’t help that Olympus followed up a couple of days later with the 100 Burpee club.

So this Monday morning workout was designed to completely avoid any burpees.

We started with the 5 core principles and then did a mosey for a couple of laps. We warmed up with side-straddle hops and strawberry pickers in cadence, plus some merkins and LBCs.

Then we started a circuit of the parking lot, stopping at all 5 corners. Wait, 5 corners?

At each corner we did 3 rounds of this: 3 merkins, then standing for 3 uppercuts. So 9 exercises on each corner, and 45 for a complete circuit. We repeated this pattern for more circuits:

  • 3 leg raises and 3 rope skips.
  • 3 Carolina dry docks and 3 step-in-punches.
  • 3 mountain climbers and 3 bob-and-weaves.

Then we moved to a 20 yard course:

  • 3 lunges, then 3 long swims. Repeat all the way down.
  • 3 high knees, then 3 plank jacks. Repeat all the way down.
  • 3 butt kickers, then 3 big boy sit-ups. Repeat all the way down.
  • 3 lunches with hand touching the ground, then 3 rock pushes. Repeat all the way down.
  • 3 bear crawl steps, with 3 SSH. Repeat all the way down.
  • 3 crab walk steps, with 3 Bobby Hurleys. Repeat all the way down.

Done. Not a burpee in site. It’s a complete coincidence that all the exercises involved being down on the floor and jumping up for another exercise.

A quiet day for announcements, but plenty of prayers for everyone involved in re-opening our schools today.