Deconstructing Burpees and A Climb

Weather – Mid 80s and steamy – ridiculous but it is SW Florida.

After a short vacation that included 2 down range postings, it was time for YHC to get back in the swing of things.  No better way than to snag a Q just after vacation.  The pax arrived, disclaimer shared and off we went for a 1 lap mozi including butt kickers, high knees and carioca x2.  We circled up in the shadow of the Stairway to Heaven, leaving most to wonder what YHC up his sleeve.  COP included:

  • SSH x25IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Honey Mooner/Downward Dog stretches

The Thang…

Deconstructing Burpees is always a crowd favorite.  The base of the tower offers a great 4 corners type workout so we started in one corner and added an exercise on at each corner as we progressed around the tower.  The corners were as follows:

  1. Squats
  2. Squats and Leg Thrusts
  3. Squats, Leg Thrusts, Merkins
  4. Squats, Leg Thrusts, Merkins and Bomb Jacks

Upon concluding the 4 corners, we ran to the top of the tower to finish the set with full burpees.  The Pax was anxious to hear the repetitions/count as I intentionally excluded this fact.  We started with sets of 20, declining by 5 after each round.

Props to Sniper for hammering through and completing all 4 rounds! No question this was a true challenge and it was great to see the pax pushing one another all throughout.


On our family trip back to SC, my original pax kept asking how “I” was able to pull together F3 Suncoast with so much success.  I continually pointed out that the success was due to the great pax that surrounds me every morning.  Without you guys, the #FloridaMiracle would have never happened.  F3 is built by the men who chose to give it away at every opportunity, and I see this happening daily.  The EH’s are strong, Pax members traveling and sharing F3 at conferences (Jimmy Dean) or visiting other regions on vacation.  I am proud to be a part of the Pax of F3 Suncoast and proud of what you all have made this region to be!!


  • Operation Sweet Tooth Back to School supply drive is underway.  Start bringing school supplies to your beatdowns to be collected by the Q and eventually Bing.
  • All the upcoming races (Mud Titan, Ft Hamer Bridge run, etc)
  • Newest AO officially launching next Thursday – Unconditional Surrender
  • New Rule for the Nathan Benderson AO – If a guest Pax is in attendance, modify beatdown to include at least one trip up the tower! Leave them with a lasting memory.
  • Due to the number of requests I’ve had for another shirt order, one will be posted shortly.


  • To the Pax for making F3 Suncoast great!
  • James, and his next steps in cancer treatment
  • Expectant Mothers (Top Cut’s M) and for a co-worker of Kotter’s M carrying a stillborn child

Always honored and humbled to lead this great group in a beatdown.  Aye!

Bing Out