3 for a Q-Go-Round

Pax: Condensor, Papa Smurf, Snapshot.

Temp: hot and muggy

7:00 am was getting close and we did not have a Q on hand.  With no FNG, we decided to split the beatdown into thirds.  Condensor took the lead and around the east side of the hill we went.  Our mosey consisted of circling the hill.  We stopped at times and did many different excercises on the way around, including SSH, Meraccan Night Clubs, Squats, Merkins and others I  forgot.

When we made it back to Mother Hill, we side-stepped half way down,  then back up.  We then turned around and did the same thing.  We the NUR’D down mother hill.  The lions had to throw in some burpees  a couple of times.  20 minutes down.

Time for Snapshots turn.  Quick Draw time.  We headed back up the hill for a game of Cards.  Each card drawn was one of two exercises,  depending on the suit. Adding ten to each number on the card.

❤ = SSH or Jump Ropes
♦️ = Squats or Lunges
♠️ = Merkins or Carolina DD
♣️ = Big Boy SU or LBCs

Half way through a jailbreak was called and we took a trip down Grandmother Hill. Second 20 minutes down.

Papa Smurfs turn, so he called a round of 7’s down Grandmother Hill.  LBC’s at the top, Meraccan’s at the bottom.  Praise to Papa for keeping up the chatter during this portion about the statues being taken down in Richmond VA.  15 minutes down, maybe another 4 burpees.

We finished up the last two minutes with a round if Mary at the benches by the pavilion.   1 hour done.  Great job brothers.

Announcements: 10 year anniversary, everybody on Slack.

Prayers:  Condensor’s daughter heading back to school and travels and his M on her trip back.  Papa’s daughter recovering from surgery. Our medical and first responders.   And our nation.

LIONS COUNT:  4 or 5.

Snapshot  ?