Cycling goes CSAUP-ish

Weather: hot, but slightly cooler at 18mph, for a little while.

QIC: Bing

Pax: Pincher, Ripken, Sniper, Cotton Tail, Bing, Trump

In order to support our brother Lancelot for his VQ and his 50th birthday, the Cycling AO modified as necessary and headed to Nathan Benderson to attend the beatdown.  4:30a launch from Wawa with enough time for a hard lap around Benderson to total 11-12 miles.  YHC had a beautiful dismount of the bike in an attempt to not get on top of Ripken as we came to a halt IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE PAX!  If you are going to have your virgin tumble, might as well go big, eh?

Bootcamp began, with shorts a tad tighter than normally worn at a bootcamp, and a bit more padded.  See Lancelot’s backblast for details on the awesome bootcamp.  Respect my friend.  So glad you found us!!

Ride home was the exact same route minus the additional loop, riding around 7.5 miles with one break for Ripken to replace his front tube.  A good lesson for YHC on how to do it, but not a good example to follow with the cartridge.

All in all, it was great to be with 5 other brothers willing enough to rise up from the fart sack, launch 90 minutes early, all to support a brother and to launch our new Tuesday location.  F3 feels good around these parts of the Suncoast and I’m constantly humbled to be around such great men.

Until next time,

~Bing Out