“Behave, We’ve got company coming”

Q: Lancelot

Pax: Lonzo (F3 BlackSwamp, Feathers (F3 Alpha), Capt. Ron,  Chillipepper, Sweet Pepper, Clutch, Ozzy (F3 Clearwater), Smudge

Welcome F3 Guests from all over!


5 Core principles

Open to ALL Men


Outdoors , Rain or Shine

Lead on a Rotating Fashion, Not professionals

Ends in COT, Circle of Trust



Just getting Started:

Agitators  *    Michael Phelps  *  Windmills  *   Leg Stretches  *  Motivators from 6



“WTH… Let’s Run with a few things in between”

Perform each exercise starting with 10 reps,

then run about 1/2 mile run,

then 9 reps, run, 8 reps, run …down to 1 rep.

 Burpees   *   Merkins  *  Big Boy Sit-ups  *   Squats


Grab the Flags & head to Hooker’s Pier : Round of Marys

Navy Seals   *  Merkins  *  Moroccans  *  Box Cutters  *  Break Downs


COT  Circle of trust

Thank you for our guests, “Lonzo” F3 Black Swamp & “Feathers”, F3 Alpha,     They are always welcome here anytime.

Enjoy the work-outs, but reach out and talk to those around ya and EH them, Spread the word and hand out cards.

GrowRucks & 10 Year Anniversary Registration Open


Prayers: to those who can’t be out to share our work-outs and facing their own challenges, to those Traveling, Those battling Covid

Smudge’s Uncle and family, Ozzy’s Family, Teresa, who fighting her cancer

To all Medical specialist, First responders, Law enforcement, Military, and The Country, Our great Nation!


Had Fun, loved the fellowship, and beautiful way to start the Day!  Honored & Blessed  – Lancelot

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end — which you can never afford to lose — with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”




3 thoughts on ““Behave, We’ve got company coming””

      • Going to be in St. Pete this weekend. Can I get an address or a general idea of where to park/meet for DTSP on Saturday at 7:00? I’m from Toledo (Black Swamp).

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