Ladders and Bearpees 0.0

YHC was staring down self-flagellation until Gold Watch came in hot, scraping the bottom of his truck on the speed tables out front.  PAX assembled, five core principles recited, we…

Fun & Games

7am perfect weather, F3 core principles announced and disclaimer disclosed. Warmup: Exercise to Song: Walk 500 miles – imperial walkers then mountain climbers during the chorus with burpees on the…

In Honor of Kiernan

A surprise  57°, after a hot weekend. After the 5 core principles and a mozi of the parking lot, we began the memorial workout in honor of Kiernan Kaliher.   This…

Quest for Fitness: A Roll of the Dice

The dice rolling began as the group gathered in the #Dixie_Land dungeon, eager to begin their quest for fitness. The Dungeon Master, Pork Roll, stood tall and wise, a gleam…

Tri-Dora at Echo Chamber

At 7:00: first, the 5 core principles, and disclaimer were given.We mozied toward the dog park, stopping at the T-road for some SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Hillbilly Walkers.  We continued towards…

Kinda like a Dora, but worse.

As a few PAX (including FNG!) finished up Insane Bad Clown, 5:15 rolled around @ the Bad Clown.  Mozy to traffic circle where we performed The Big Sexy! At each…

Tabata 0.0

Acchilles inflamation kept YHC from running a 5k this gloom, so the Pax embarked on a 0.0 mile workout. Free Open to all men Held outside rain or shine Led…

Then There were 5

60° and a nice clear morning. As we gathered, there were four of us, than out if the darkness, on a bicycle came Ratchet. Trying to save money and biking…

ABSolutely stupid

The morning started with a few Pax partaking of some pre-work.  The weather was perfect, and the air was heavy with anticipation. We started with the 5CP and mission statement.…