AO: Ashton Trailhead

When: 02/27/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Condenser, Fireball, Freon, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

A surprise  57°, after a hot weekend. After the 5 core principles and a mozi of the parking lot, we began the memorial workout in honor of Kiernan Kaliher.   This young man lost his life on February 24th, after a  rough week of trying to recover following a car accident.

<mWe mozied around the parking lot as Condenser arrived.   It was explained that with each letter of the name, a different excercise would be performed.

K – Knuckle Merkins 25
I – Imperial Walkers 25
E – Dieing Cockroaches 25
R – Russian Twists 25
N – North American Hammers 30
A – Al Gore Tree Huggers 1Minute
N – North American Hammers  30
Run a lap around the park

D – Diamond Merkins 15
A – Al Gore Tree Huggers  1 minute
V – Shoulder Taps 20 each arm
I – Imperial Walkers 25
D – Diamond Merkins 15
Run a lap around the park

K – Knuckle Merkins 25
A – Al Gore Tree Huggers 1 minute
L – LBCs 30
I – Imperial Walkers 25
H – Heals to Heaven 20
E – Dieing Cockroaches 25
R- Russian Twists 25
Run a lap around the park
We stopped at the last picnic table for: Incline Merkins, Dips, Step-Ups, and Wall Sits.  Back to the beginning spot for some Suzanne Summers and Pickle Pointers.   We still had some time for stretching and planks.

Announcements: Gator Wilderness Run, Sup-n-Run, and Mysterio.

Prayers and Praises:  For Kiernan and the Kaliher Family.  All injured and missing PAX.

Always a pleasure to lead.

SnapShot 📸

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