ABC or WXYZ – Tuesday Virtual Q

Weather: Morning Gloom Virtual Q: Shamwow Warm-up 20 SSH 20 Michael Phelps 20 Strawberry Pickers 20 Flutter Kicks Run 400 Meters The Thang: If you liked ABC, we are ready for some WXYZ today.  Today’s workout is named after the ABC owned TV and Radio stations in Detroit where I was an ABC Radio Network …

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Stagecoach V-VQ Beatdown

Weather: Who knows VQIC: – Stagecoach VQ 5 Core Principles Free Open to all Men Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold Peer led End with Circle of Trust ”The Third 500” I was reading the book, Freed to Lead,  by Dredd and OBT.  There was once section where OBT was talking about his …

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It’s as easy (or difficult ) as ABC..

Weather: Summer is coming quickly Virtual Q: ShamWow Pax: Let’s GO! Warmup: 20 reps each of: Side Straddle Hops High Kees Michael Phelps Strawberry Pickers LBC’s Flutter Kicks Heels to Heaven The Thang: It’s as simple as ABC! Each letter starts with a 1/4 mile run followed by a series of exercises.  Always count on …

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Deep South Convergence – Saturday April 4th!

          Date:  Saturday, April 4th  7:30am (eastern) Where: ZOOM QIC: Toolman (F3 Birmingham), Catfish (F3 New Orleans) How: So, we when we usually converge, it’s Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, St. Petersburg and Clearwater joining together….this time, it’s ANYONE in the F3 Nation!  And if they are having a Deep South Convergence…how …

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Defib’s Friday Weinke of Pain

5 core principalsWarm up: 4 miles (easy pace)*modify: 20 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 mountain climbers repeat x4 The thang: part1:Carolina dry docks x101:00minute plankLBCs x201:00minute plankMerkin x201:00minute plankBig boy crunches x201:00minute plankLeg raise x201:00minute plankBig boys x201:00minute plankMerkin x201:00minute plankLBCs x201:00minute plankCarolina dry docks x10 Part 2: Repeat this cycle x5Burpee x5Leg raise x10Burpee x5Pickle …

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F3 Suncoast 3rd Anniversary Beatdown

Weather: Gloomy Virtual QIC: Bing Pax: on Zoom: Today marks a very important day in the history of F3 Suncoast.  3 years ago today, we planted the flag and launched as a mustard seed for F3 Nation. 5 men joined on this glorious day, and a comment was made that this is exactly what …

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Let’s go….

Weather: gunna be a dark and gloomy morning unless you fartsack a tad and start later Virtual QIC: Bing Pax: Best pax in the country Warm up – it’s likely going to be a warm morning so go for a jog around the block with the usual tricks: high knees, nur, butt kickers and skips. …

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Hospital Name Day

While we never use one another’s hospital name, todays beatdown will help us remember one another’s name! Hospital name is the name you were given at the day of your birth, for those of you who can’t figure this out. Start with a mozi around the block, but be courageous and go in the opposite …

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Friday Not Benderson Virtual Q

QIVC: Bing Mozi- go for a 5 minute run including butt kickers, nur, overhead claps, and high knees – yes you’ll look like a fool running and overhead clapping, but why not?!? COP warm up SSH x20 IC Strawberry Pickers x10 IC Merkins x10 IC Plank Series (right arm high, left arm, 6-inches) The Thang …

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GQ from Toledo – Thursday Virtual Weinke

3/19/20 Thursday – 2 Pillars – Unconditional Surrender PAX –  Jennay (Virtual Q), Due to social distancing, this workout is to be done OYO (or with family/friends) at Virtual AO Opening – Mission Statement To plant, server, and grow small men’s workout groups to reinvigorate male community leadership. 5 Core Principals Always Free Open to …

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