Friday Not Benderson Virtual Q

QIVC: Bing

Mozi- go for a 5 minute run including butt kickers, nur, overhead claps, and high knees – yes you’ll look like a fool running and overhead clapping, but why not?!?

COP warm up

  1. SSH x20 IC
  2. Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  3. Merkins x10 IC
  1. Plank Series (right arm high, left arm, 6-inches)

The Thang

The Dirty McDeuce. Change the name to Dirty McDonalds with the family.

This includes 12 different exercises, all done in cadence in 12 reps. 

After a series of 3 exercises, run a lap down the street and back. 

The exercise included Arms/Shoulders, Legs and then Abs.  They are as follows:

  1. Carolina Dry Docks/Squats/American Hammers – Run
  2. Merkins/Lunges/LBCs – Run
  3. Diamond Merkins/Monkey Jumpers/Hello Dolly – Run
  4. Burpees/Sumo Squats/Dying Cock Roaches  – Run

Remember – all done IN CADENCE to 12.

If time remains, next is a round of 11s. Pick 3 driveways and run back and forth doing Merkins and LBCs.

Ruck sacks optional.

Get after it my brothers in the gloom.

~Bing Out.