AP Power Hour

Weather: 76ish

Pax: Big Mac, Bing, Pincher, Manziel, Crabcakes, Fish Sticks, Defib, Tex, Lightning McQueen, Red Card, Yellow Card, Samurai, BP20, 8 Ball, Sterling, Ferrari, Cavalino, Lobstah, Spackler, Drake, Olympus, Trump, Spartan, Lancelot, Goliath, Barron, LG, Aquaman.

FNG: Welcome – Sherwin Williams, Nutley, Moptop

Mozy kicked off down to dog park with a quick warmup of side straddle hops, moroccan night clubs, strawberry pickers, merkins, windmills, and imperial walkers before the cozy back to the basketball court.

Workout: 1 Minute of each workout followed by a mozy to the fence for active recovery.

Round 1: SSH’s, Jump Squats, Monkey Humpers, Lunges, Parker Peter, Mountain Climber, LBC’s, Ankle Taps, Cockroaches, Plank

Round 2: Freddy Mercuries, Plank, Side Plank, Opposite Side Plank, Burpees, Merkin, Dry Docks, Shoulder Taps, Moroccans, Overhead Clap

Round 3: Flutter Kicks, Diamond Merkins, Plank to Pushup, Sumo Squat, P Pointers, Sit Throughs, Reverse Sit Up, American Hammers, SSH

Round 4: Plank to Toe Touch, Seated Cockroaches, Simmers, Peter Parker, Mountain Climber, Burpees, Lunges, Merkin, Dry Docks, Plank


  • Grow Ruck Alamo and Louisville with Lancelot
  • 10 Year anniversary open registration is open to the end of the month. Free! Event on Jan. 17th
  • Changing from GroupMe to Slack – invitations on the way


  • For all the injured PAX
  • Messi continue the growth, confidence, and leadership
  • Law enforcement and first responders
  • Our country
  • Harry – Drakes friend battling cancer
  • Passport chemo


Groans are a sign of growth, embrace the suck!