Phony Burpee

This workout is borrowed from an idea called “Minutes” from F3 The Fort: Stand in a circle. Do one exercise for one minute. Rest for ten seconds. Repeat until 45…

In a Fog

A foggy 63F 4:35a Bing and Ripken ran laps while Olympus, Stagecoach and myself blasted burpees. 5:15a and ready to go we launched into a mosey without listing the 5…

Burpees Day 2

Weather: not cold, again Again, got there a few minutes early to get my 100 burpees in before the beatdown, and when I pulled up it was Stage Coach trying…

The Punisher

Weather: 53 and still Pax not listed: Centerfold, Rudy and BluePrint (FNG) Promises were made that today would be less mosey and more core, and that promise was kept.  But,…

The 12 days of Hatemas?

Elf is no longer in the shelf.  He is ready for a beatdown. F3 disclaimer and right to it..  Mozy with nur, nur high knees, nur butt kickers, small arm…

Catch me if you can

Weather: 42 – Florida freeze 5:15 hit, disclaimer was shared along with core principles and the mission statement of F3 and we took off for a warm up mozi that…

Publix left the freezers open

WX: 41 degrees, clear with some wind 5 principles and disclaimer WU: SSHx20, IWx20, Strawberry pickers x10, mosey around the lot with butt kickers, karaoke (sp?), and high knees. The…

First crisp gloom

Weather: a crisp 60F with very little wind (no complaints here) Although it was not easy to get out of the warm, cozy bed, the benefit of sharing 45min hour…

4 Corners AMRAP for Veterans Day

PREP:  Military-related holidays have become more meaningful to YHC based on this year’s Memorial Day Murph; more on that below.  Attendees were requested to wear F3 gear.  YHC dropped off…

No Blow Wednesday

Conditions:78 humid and dark. Welcome CPap from Charlotte! Mozi and Warmup: We launched from the liquor store on Liqour loop and performed high knees, butt kickers, kerioke and Nur stuff.…