AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 12/09/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bing, Brutus, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Goob, Lancelot, Olympus, Ripken, Sniper, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: 42 – Florida freeze

5:15 hit, disclaimer was shared along with core principles and the mission statement of F3 and we took off for a warm up mozi that included high knees, carioca x2, butt kickers and Nur.  This would be a familiar route to he witnessed after COP.

COP included:

  1. SSH x20 IC
  2. Windmills x10 IC
  3. Leg Stretches – Should have been a pre-curser of what was to come
  4. Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  5. Merkins x10
  6. Plank Series
  7. Mountain Climbers x10IC

The Thang

No better way to warm up than to get the HR up running.  We partnered up based on comparable running ability and played a few rounds of Catch Me If You Can.  Partner 1 starts with 10 merkins while Partner 2 runs at 70%.  Partner 1 sprints to Partner 2 and then Partner 2 does the Merkins.  We did 4 sets of Merkins and 4 sets of LBCs which totaled roughly 2.7 miles.

Next up was a round of exercises while your partner ran to the second island in the parking lot.  Exercise rounds included Ball to the wall, Captains Chair (wall sit) and finally Carolina Dry Docks.  We completed 4 rounds of each exercise before our final mozi to hit a total of 3+ miles through-out the entire beatdown.  A perfect combination of running and core exercises mixed together.


Change starts just outside of your comfort zone.  Today’s beatdown was geared to throw you in and out of your comfort zone (Running or core exercises, sprinting versus 70% run).  It is when you are outside of your comfort zone is when you are accelerating your fitness.  The pax found the edge of their comfort zone based on the amount of mumble chatter through-out!


  1. 10. Year trip postponed till October. More details to come
  2. 12/12 Christmas beatdown.  M’s and 2.0’s invited. Bring a can good and a treat for afterwards
  3. Salvation. Army Gathering on 12/22 – more details to come from Chili Pepper
  4. Sarasota Memorial Hospital serving – more details to come


  • For the kids injured or died in the car accident off University.
  • Barron and dealing with a friend who committed suicide
  • For Emilia as we determine next steps for her knee surgery/PT
  • Nurses/Doctors
  • First Responders
  • Our Country
  • Yukon’s M and her continued recovery

It’s always an honor to lead this great group of men. Great job reaching the edge of your comfort zone this morning!

~Bing Out


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