Why does it always start with GAS!!!

74° w/ 100% Humidity QiC arrived early to find one other car in the parking lot.  Not recognizing the car and seeing the accumulated moisture on the front window the…

Peanut Butter Blast

YHC was on Q, twice this week thanks to Bing… Prior to launch there was some chatter about a seafood buffet being formed at the Hammer, but this gloom there…

It’s a big day- PINCHER HAS CRABS

CONGRATULATIONS were in order- PINCHER HAS CRABS!!   Posh and Lobstah rolled in to the parking lot at 5:14:18 this fine gloom and by the time their feet hit the…

Ft Hamer Comes Alive

Weather: Fantastic After a wayward suggestion to shutter the Fort Hamer run AO, the pax showed up to prove that was truly a terrible idea! 6 in total including a…

Grandbaby Countdown

4 Pax gathered in the dark at Fort Hamer bridge. The big news of today was that Lambeau is on the verge of becoming a grandfather for the first time.…

Jimmy Dean Style Fun

Today we did a Jimmy Dean style run where every 1/4 mile we would stop and do exercises. For the first three stops it was: 20 Merkins 20 LBCs 20…

Twenty six Squared

A0 = Heritage Harbour Temp = 75F with 95% humidity Today’s message: Focus on the good things. Let God light your way through the darkness. Warm-o-rama Mosey around parking lot…