9/11 – Never Forget Beatdown

The morning started off like any other morning as the PAX gathered up pre-runners returned from many different pre-run lengths and directions.  The morning started off like any other morning back on  9/11/2001 but unfortunately for over 3000 people and their friends and families and the rest of the world it did not end that way and we must never forget that day.


We began  with our F3 disclaimer and principles and headed off for a 2 lap around the parking lot. Circled up for some SSH’s, Strawberry Pickers and Windmills

The Thang

In honor of 9/11/2001 there was a board of 9 “American related” exercises that were going to be done.

American Hammers, Walmart Burpees, Peter Parkers, Mickey Mouse Merkins, Lt Dan’s, Jackass Merkins, Squats, Merkins and Alabama Ass Kickers.

There were 9 exercises of which we each did 11 reps followed by a lap around the basketballs court before we started and between each exercise and 2 lap after the exercises for a total of 11 laps around the basketball court.

After we were all done we did Apple Turnovers from one end of the basketball courts to the far end of the other courts.

We did a round of suicides then sprinted back to the far end of the courts for one final exercise (Blue Falcon). Where the teams choose a exercise and reps to be done within a minute and if one team could not to it, the whole team did 5 burpees.



Open Q’s this month that need to be filled.

Discussion was had about our volunteer work at Ronald McDonald house this past week and how F3 Suncoast will not start sponsoring and serving a meal at least once a quarter starting on Tues Dec 17th. More details to follow including sign up and request for stocking stuffers, toys and items for the families.

Small group sign up is coming to Bayside Church soon if anyone is interested in joining.

Requests and prayers for all the families impacted by 9/11 and our first responders and military personnel.

Hug and kiss your families guys because your lives could be completely turned upside down in a minute.