8 months of knowing Bing & this Ruck “thing”, we finally decided to Split up & go our separate ways

Weather:    cold – colD – coLD – cOLD – COLD

QIC: Lancelot

Pax: Shamwow, Clutch, Stagecoach, Coop, Condensor, Chillipepper, & Lancelot

5:15am : All circled up & explained that with Fl Growruck approaching, we will start having Split AOs (Bootcamp & Ruck). While Bing and his posse are “over the Hill” doing there thing, Ruckers grabbed the flag & coupons and headed down to the tower.

(Disclaimer at 5:15, Ruckers will have their rucks on until the close of COT, no exceptions!)

Prior to starting, I explained that the point to this ruck work out is to get familiar with what is anticipated at a Grow ruck event. We weren’t to focus on the weights and power of what we are doing, but to get use to having the ruck on our backs for long periods of time, adjusting the weights and balance, according to the type of exercises being performed, working on our cadence and of course, ensuring the team is together and working together, including the 6th.

Warm up: Modifiers Cadence ( counting down from 10)

The Thang:

  1.  Ruck   1/8th  of a mile ( Run or fast pace, but NO walking)

The F3 flag is always up front, if slowing down, pass the flag)

2. Grass platforms- bottom of Tower:

15 Shoulder presses or Curls with Coupons, then Bear Crawls to the end – Repeat

3.  Ruck up to “Bing” Platform of Tower to do 20 Merkins or Squats

Repeat the Thang until COT

5:55 am : Jailbreak with the “other Half” to the Top!

Coop Cadence tutorial until 05:59:59

COT: Had Ruckers stand by someone w/o a ruck, why?

*** Emphasize that while we were a separate group for awhile, in the end, we all come together and we all become ONE,  as F3 should and Always be!



SUP 5k – May 30th : Zeus’ M, Felicia’s  race, support them and their cause

Fl GrowRuck : April 3-5th: Register before March 4th to get “FREE” shirt

Ronald McDonald House: March 30th , St Pete   – Contact Mr. Clean


Praises & Prayers:

Clutch’s Father in law – 3x  by pass Surgery

I Spy’s son – healthy results & response

Lori & Sarah : Recovery and good

Trump – Financial prospects and etc


Thank you to guys for a great start to this awesome Friday & honored to lead you on the beginning of our Ruck training adventures.  – Lancelot