The Core of….Something

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Barron, Big Mac, Bing, Chili Pepper, Deep Dish, Goob, Lambeau, Manziel, Pincher, ShamWow, Trump

Weather: 74 degrees, dewpoint 71, light rain

As usual, anticipation of the Monday Q was high and with some light rain coming down, we gathered under the pavilion and OMG THE BATHROOMS ARE BACK OPEN! REPEAT, THE BATHROOMS ARE OPEN! No more excuses for not showing up on Mondays!

After the core principles and disclaimers, we headed out into the rain for a regular mozi with butt kickers, high knees, carioca x2, and nur. We then circled up for some SSH, moroccan nightclubs, strawberry pickers, and imperial walkers.

Today was the return of the famous Manziel Board of Pain, but it’s not equipped to handle moisture, so it had to be parked under the pavilion. Since it had been a while, YHC decided that today would be a good day to work on our cores, so the Board listed 10 exercises with an emphasis on the core. As we’ve done before, exercises were organized into groups of 2 – do the first 2 exercises, run a lap of the parking lot, come back and do the first 2, then the next 2, and run the parking lot agian, etc. Here’s the board:

  • 50 LBCs
  • 50 Mountain climbers
  • 40 Overhead claps
  • 40 Plank jacks
  • 30 Merkins
  • 30 Salsa Dips
  • 20 Carolina drydocks
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Captain Thors

There was surprisingly little mumble chatter or complaining from the pax, although I recall hearing Pincher ask for more Merkins. Maybe starting out with LBCs softened them up, but doing 250 of them is no fun.

After everyone completed the board, the rain had ended so we circled up for a Round of Mary. In honor of the bathrooms re-opening, YHC elected to lead off with a set of Mountain Main Shitterz (no surprise, Big Mac knew exactly what to do with those). Bing then called for some Wheezie Jeffersons (which was nice since the ground was still wet) and Barron wrapped it up with 7 burpees. No one knows why he chose burpees or chose the number 7, but I’m pretty sure he had to walk home.


  • Thor VQ this Friday at Benderson
  • Beach Day this Saturday
  • Ronald McDonald volunteer event tonight

Praises & prayer requests:

  • Chili Pepper’s kids going to camp (probably a little of both)
  • Props for a successful surgery
  • There were more, but my memory stinks