3 Years of Disruption

Weather: Hot and full of mosquitos

YHC was excited for today.  9/5 marks my anniversary Fishsticks pulling into my driveway to make sure I posted at Alcatraz.  Little did I know where this journey would take me.  It has been an amazing journey to be on and I look forward to the next 3 years!

The usual suspects of Gridlock, Sparky, Ripken and YHC took a pre-run and arrived in the parking lot to be greeted by many of the same cast of characters.  The disclaimer was shared and we headed on out to share the same beatdown applied when I first posted 3 years ago.  The initial mosi included two rounds of eyes on home, which was actually eyes on the first corner of the basketball court with Nur, Side Shuffle, Run and carioca all involved depending on the end line.

We then circled up for COP which included:

  • 40 SSH IC
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 15 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 10 Peter Parkers IC
  • 10 Parker Peters IC

The Thang

The first fun activity included two rounds of Burpicides on the basketball court. Doing 5 burpees at every line and returning to the start line.  Rinse and Repeat

The Second round included 1 round of BombJacks at each line of the suicide.  This was all a crowd favorite after the two rounds of burpicides were completed.

Next, the Pax circled up for some Banjo Bear Crawl.  Circle up, arm lengths apart, facing outwards.  Start in the plank position. Pax 1 does 3x Merkins and then bear crawls around the perimeter of the circle.  When the bear crawling pax passes you, you must also be doing Merkins.  Once Pax 1 returns back to their starting spot, the next pax member goes.  This is repeated until everyone has completed their turn.

Once done with the Banjo Bear Crawl, we partnered up for some partner leg throws (x20) followed by 20x American Hammers for both partners.  Next partner has his turn at leg throws (x20) followed by 20s LBCs for both partners.

Enough hard surface time, so we mosied over to the grassy field for a round of Jack Webbs.  1x Merkin:4x Overhead Clap ratio, up to 10 Merkins/40 Overhead claps. The pax pushed one another and completed this nasty round, all running to the next station looking like football players after time in the gym!

With only a few moments left on the clock, we ended with 10x left leg step ups and 10x LBCs followed by 10x Right Leg Step-Ups and 10x LBCs.

It has been an honor to be a part of the F3 Nation for 3 years.  I would have never imagined the way it has impacted my life, and has brought so many great HIM into my life.  I am proud to say I have shed Sad Clown Disease and try to live my life as a HIM.  Being surrounded by so many great men help hold me accountable to this and I truly look forward to what the next 3 years has to bring.  Thank you for joining me on this journey!!


To read the original backblast from 3 years ago, click here: Difficult, but the right choice Thanks for a great beatdown Smuggler and Recon!

The infamous shirt worn as an FNG, responsible for being nicknamed Bing.