What the heck are these buckets for? Oh….#$#@%

Q: Chilipepper  – So, its been almost a week.  Sorry.

PAX in attendance: Dirt Dart,  Tarheel, PoundLaw, Push, Fake, Cancelled, Malbo, Northbeach, Lancelot, Ozzy, IceMan, FNG

Welcome Pepperoni!!




5 Core Principles,

  • Free
  • Open to all Men
  • Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Peer led
  • End with Circle of Trust

Mozy! with  Super Sexy comprised of Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Homer To Marge (Hindu Push Ups) and Hot Chicks.  On the way back the PAX were surprised with a coupon blessing comprised of pavers and buckets.  The pax circled up.  It’s not a Chilipepper beatdown without burpies.  Thuderstruck was tuned in and we proceeded to SSH and burpiee on “Thunder”.

Pax then paired up and, DORA! For a cumulative exercise count.

Thang 1

Pax 1 Bucket Carry 100 Meters (recommended load 5 coupons in bucket)

  • Pax 2
    • 100 Exile Merkins
    • 200 Big Boy Sit Ups
    • 300 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Pax Switch, rinse and repeat!

Thang 2

  • Pax 1 – 50 Meter  Bear Crawl
  • Pax 2 (recommended load 4 to 5 coupons in bucket)
    • 50 Lat Pulls
    • 100 Bent Over Row
    • 200 Bicep Curls
    • 300 Side Bends
  • Pax Switch, rinse and repeat!


  • Importance of the BackBlasts and Posting Beatdown Pix on the Socials!
  • Grow Ruck Alamo and Louisville with Lancelot
  • 10 Year anniversary open registration is open to the end of the month.
  • Changing from GroupMe to Slack
  • Fort DeSoto Beatdown August 1st!
  • August 6th Premier of Grow-Ruck Movie, more to come.
  • New AO Shark Steps under construction for Tuesdays
  • Rucking Wednesdays also under construction.
  • Emotional Headlock opportunities abound especially while at AOs, watch for those opportunities!


  • TarHeel’s Graduation!  Shortly to go to Bootcamp.


  • Cleveland family
  • Hernandez family
  • Luvile family
  • First Responders, law enforcement and military
  • Our country