Triubute to Bundesliga,

QIC: Olympus

Weather: Don’t know…Its florida…

So excited a “real” soccer league (aka Bundesliga) starting today. I was getting tired of watching the Belarus league, or a sport called Netball (apparently it is popular in England..). So I decided to do a tribute to Germany, secondary to Bundesliga. I included a “Sucktoberfest” playlist. Some knew the songs and sang along…(wth). NASCAR started this weekend as well, but the pax would have not appreciated a NASCAR theme beatdown (running in circles for 1 hour, turning left..).  So Germany it is…

We had an FNG, so I made sure 5 core principles were stated.

No-Run Warm up

  • 5 burpees. Dynamic stretching: Knee to chest, heel to but stretch
  • 5 burpees. Walking hamstring stretch
  • 5 burpees. Toy soldiers
  • 5 burpees. Lunge progression (forward, side, backward)
  • 5 burpees. SSH
  • 5 burpees. Germans (short swim, long swim, push rock, w/w superior, w/w inferior, open/close arms and legs, up/down)
  • 5 burpees. Merkins (x10 each)
    • Regular
    • Narrow stance
    • Wide Stance
  • 5 burpees. Planks: (30 sec each)
    • Prone/side (leg if you got it)
    • Plank Jacks
    • Shoulder taps
    • Peter Parkers
    • Supine (with leg lift)
  • 5 burpees
  • A-Skip, B-Skip, high knees, butt kicks (2×20 yards)

Stations (5 cones with 1 exercise each, 1 min per cone)

The Oktoberfest circuit

  • Short swim, salsa dips, CDD, mountain climbers, Long swim
    • A-Skip to the next cone, after 5th cone run back to starting point

The Sauerkraut circuit

  • Push the rock, single-leg triceps dips, speed skaters, Freddie Mercuries, Open/close arms and legs
    • B-Skip to the next cone, after 5th cone run back to starting point

The Beethoven circuit

  • w/w superior, Half squat position (jump between wide and narrow stance), jump to plank and back to half squat position, 3 Merkins/10 mountain climbers, Moroccan night clubs, w/w inferior.
    • High knees to the next cone, after 5th cone run back to starting point

The Berlin Wall circuit

  • Up/down arms legs, Cross hold, R lunge to knee drive; L lunge to knee drive, supermans (back extensions)
    • Butt kicks to the next cone, after 5th cone run back to starting point

Welcome FNG  “Laabstah”

Announcements: Murph on Memorial Day. Need pax to step up and Q.

Prayers for Sparky, Ace, Yamaha, Eightball, Rowdy and his future M, and Drake.

Praises for Rowdy and his future M, and for Drake who will marry them.

Olympus, adios.