Train hard, but train smart- Dasani – 2.25.20

Weather: A cool 70 degrees in the gloom

QIC: Dasani

PAX: Trane, Banjo, Steel, Stagecoach, Slater, Ringo, Trump, Papa Smurf, Shamwow, Goob, Hang Ten, Dinghy, Condenser, Chili Pepper, pepperoncini -FNG, Snapshot.

0515 sharp we circled up and covered our bases – 5 core principles were announced, 1 FNG was identified and we began with a few stretehes.

  • Standing hamstring streches :10sec count
  • Aggitators 10x
  • Windmills 10x
  • Arm circles 10x foward and backward
    This  got us loosened up and then a quick 1 lap mosey around the parking lot.

The Thang:

We circled up around the base of the Tower – Before we got started YHC offered a few words. I mentioned that all of us lead in our ways everyday. Whether thats at work with coworkers or at home with family, we are all leaders in some capacity. Today, I had the honor of leading this group of men. I cited that, “Hard training is the solemn duty of trainers and leaders every day”- Jocko Willink 

However there is a dichotomy in that…While training must be hard and push you beyond your comfort zone in order to grow, training must also not be so hard that it is demoralizing, and overwhelming. With that in mind, as a leader this morning it was my duty to push the PAX to grow and be better when they leave than they were when they came, but not crush them in the meantime.

With 7 rucks available and 17 HIM in the PAX we got into The Thang. YHC had marked the area out and around the tower with small coleman lanters indicating 4 workout stations.
To begin 7 brave PAX would grab a ruck and as a PAX we jogged to the first “station” – at that station, you dropped your ruck (if applicable) and did the prescribed excerise. When complete, a diffferent HIM grabbed the ruck, and we jogged to the next “station” for a new excerise.

This continued to all 4 stations at which point the lucky HIM to grab the ruck got the privelage of jogging from station #4 all the way around to where we began at the base of the tower. (a bit longer of a gap between statino 4 and the base, than between any other station)
The idea – each PAX member got a chance to jog between stations and hopefully the last leg with a ruck.

The excercises at each station were as follows
Station #1: American Hamers
Station #2: Squats
Station #3: Merkins
Station #4: LBC’s

This continued with increased rep count after each time we completeed the circuit (15x, then 20x, then 25x)

In total we completed the circuit 3 times and circled  up for a round of Mary until 5:56 at which point we called a JAIL BREAK to welcome our FNG.

0600 sharp we commenced for COT


  • GrowRuck – Get registered
  • 2nd F event this Wednesday, 2/26
  • Everyone was VolunTOLD that attendacne was damn near required for Ripkens beatdown 2.26 at Nolan to show support for he and Trane’s M’s


  • Sarah and Lori with their cancer treatments
  • Prayers for I-Spy and his family
  • Snapshot running the Skyway 10k
  • Goob’s friend Ben undergoing another round of treatment
  • PapaSmurf and his family
  • All unspoken prayers

Also Noted – There was a link posted in the GroupMe about a 6 year old 2.0 (Faye Swetlick) who passed away in the F3 Lexington PAX. They asked that all PAX wear bright colors in her honor. This morning, we too showed our support of out F3 nation brother.

Thank you to all who showed up. Half the battle if getting out of the fartsack and posting. It’s always an honor and privelage to start the day by leading such a dynamic group of HIM. Thank you for the opportunity.

Until next time,
