F3 FL Common Core Math : 2= 48

52°  – Breezy through the Streets
QIC: Lancelot
PAX: Clutch & Lancelot


5:14am  6 Cars pull into the parking lot, unfortunately,  Clutch & I watched, as they all got out and started running away from us. ( which is the norm when one sees 2 weird guys in a parking lot)


Since it was the 2 of us, All my planning, strategizing and ideas were thrown out the window.

The Thang: Because it was just us, as runners, of course we wanted to get some running in, so off we went. Since we already had a combination of over 57 miles in, so far this week, We decided to take it easy and enjoy some fellowship.

The hand hit 6 and we were off to get ready for the glorious day God has planned for us!

Message: F3 Fl Common Core Math?  It’s Simple math 2= 48

The difference between our 2 today compared to yesterday’s 48, is the Number,

However they are equal to each other in the way that our the fellowship, bond, trust, and dedication to those present is just as Strong. While many came to support our Brothers, Ripkin & Trane through challenging times in their lives, Clutch came out to my Q to support me. While AOs around the Nation may have numbers, some may not have as strong a bond in Faith & Fellowship, as maybe the smaller Pax may have. Doesn’t matter what the occasion or situation is, we’re here  for each other, and that’s the “Glue” that makes us strong as The F3 Suncoast Pax.

..so 2=48, and that’s what F3 is all about !




“Glue, Magnet, Dynamite”

Fitness is the Magnet that brings us here

Fellowship is the Glue that makes us stronger and keeps us connected as one

Faith is the Dynamite, which is the driving force in our desire to serve others in need.


Thank you Clutch for your support, enjoyed Qn   –  Lancelot



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