Total body beatdown

Weather: Just right to break a sweat

QIC: Sniper

Pax: Barron, Big Mac, Bing, Desani, McNugget, Sniper and Trump


It had been quit a while since YHC had Q’d a beat down so I was looking forward to bringing a challenge to the Pax.  As the time neared to give the disclaimer and core principles we had a strong 6 men that were there for some fellowship and fun.  We headed off for a two lap mosey with some high knees, butt kickers and side shuffles mixed in.  As we circled up for COT a familiar vehicle arrived (Bing) which meant a few burpees  (4 to be exact) and McNugget did not let him forget.

COT included

– 20 SSH IC

-15 Strawberry pickers IC

– 15 Windmills IC

– 20 Michael Phelps


The Thang

We began with 4 exercises- merkins, reverse crunches, Carolina dry docks and squats.

We did 1 rep of each exercise then repeat by adding 1 rep each round until you did 5 reps of each exercise.  After the 5th round we ran a lap around the parking lot and returned to do 6 reps of each exercise then run and return and do 7 reps of each exercise and so on.  We continued this until we reached 16 reps of each and With 5 minutes left, YHC called an audible and changed the 4 exercises to- mountain climbers, ski abs, crunches and side to side heal touches continuing our count with 17 of each then 18.  All the PAX did a great job as we were all dripping in sweat with a solid full body beatdown.


9/9 Ronald McDonald house

Q for DTSP for Saturday



Lancelot for his recovery

Desani for prayers for expanding his family

Trump’s mother and her health


Always great to fellowship and workout with a great group of men.  Thanks for allowing me to lead this beatdown and for your enthusiasm and commitment to bettering yourselves physically and spiritually.

