This Ain’t no Paula, “1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward”


Weather: It was 79 degrees and humid

19 of us showed up here at NBP , always a great sight to see on the weekday workouts!!

A Quick Disclaimer and F3 Principles were shared.

  • Free
  • Open to all Men
  • Outside rain/shine
  • Rotates with members taking the ‘Q’
  • Ends in Circle of Trust (COT)
  • Non- Professional, Modify , as needed
  • Then it was off for a Mozi which included: -High Knees, Karaokies, alternate sides


  • Then a quick Warm-up, as the Tower awaited us!!
  1. Side Straddle Hops X 12
  2. Strawberry Pickers X 10
  3. Windmills X 10
  4. Michael Phelps X 20

Message: The proverbial “Two steps forward, one step back” is usually a negative term to describe someone who is having trouble making progress. But switched around, “1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward” means that instead of grousing or feeling guilty about a misstep, you can still come out ahead if you put your head down and push forward.   It consists of: We take–1 step back, We take–2 steps forward

Therefore we turn it into an Optimistic approach of “ One Step Back ,Two Steps forward,”

The PAX were to come down 1 level, then run up 2 levels of stairs to a landing do an exercise and then back down 1, go back up 2, and so on.

Divided into 5 groups, we start on the respective 5 levels of the Tower to start the “Thang”

The Thang:   To the Tower!         Option of (2) Exercises per level

  1. Merkins or Imperial Walkers X 15
  2. LBC’s or Freddy Mercury’s X 15
  3. Monkey Jumpers or Burpees X 15
  4. A Lap around the Tower Base
  5. Lt Dans or Alphabet


We wasted no time and got right into it, passing each other on the stairs as some headed up and others were heading down, it was a fun but painful beatdown. There was little mumble chatter just a lot of heavy breathing and sweating!! In our walk with God we have to keep pressing forward and being Confident, as it says in Philippians 1:6

  • Announcements:
  • Sept 7: Clearwater launch, Bayou Park 7am
  • Sept 9: McDonald House – Sign up
  • Mc Nugget’s success on his Cross Country Experience
  • *** Q’n advice : Have alternative options or modifications for new FNG’s, Don’t want to “Beat them down, or Scare them off”


  • Prayer request: Jimmy Dean’s Friends, Mr. Clean’s Amanda, Papa Smurf’s new Grand baby, All First Responders, Military, & Pax that are not with us, and their Families


Keep Moving forward as we did today even after we took a step backwards.  Thank you for this Gift of F3 and the opportunity to Q!!!