The Wood Memorial

Weather: 75 and humid

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Barron, Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Crabcakes, Goob, Lancelot, Manziel, McNugget, Mighty Mouse, Mr. Clean, Ripken, ShamWow, Sniper, Thor, Trump

Last Friday, Papa Smurf shared some pretty disparaging news about all of us in the 40 & older crowd. Sadly, the backblast for that workout hasn’t been posted yet, but ask a friend if you missed it. Better yet, show up for the damn workouts! But the upshot of all this is that YHC decided to center the workout around the number 40.

With no FNGs, core principles and disclaimers were quickly recited, leading into a two lap mosi around the parking lot with carioca x2, high knees, butt kickers, and nur. We then circled up for the COP with SSH, imperial walkers, moroccan nightclubs, arm circles and strawberry pickers. Highlight of the COP was farming advice from Lancelot. Again, you just had to be there.

After the COP, the pax counted off in 4s and headed over to the tennis courts, where YHC had set up 4 stations in each of the corners. OK, they were really just pieces of paper with a flashlight, but calling them stations makes it sound more like a Recall Q. Each station had a list of 4 exercises, and pax were told to do 40 reps of each exercise, rotating to the next station after each exercise – resulting in 4 trips around the course. However, to make it much more fun, the manner of rotation went as follows:

From Station 1, Nur to Station 2

From Station 2, duck walk to the center of the courts and do a Jack Webb, then duck walk to Station 3

From Station 3, side shuffle to Station 4

From Station 4, bear crawl to the center of the courts (again) and do Captain Thors, then bear crawl back to Station 1

The first rotation through the center, it was 1 Jack Webb/Captain Thor, but each time you got back to the center, you added another Jack Webb/Captain Thor to the count – so on the last rotation, it was a count up to 4 Jack Webbs and Captain Thors (which, through the magic of math, results in 10 merkins/big boy situps and 40 overhead claps and American hammers on the last time through). The exercises at each station were:

Station 1

  • Salsa dips
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Leg raises
  • Calf raises

Station 2

  • Flutter kicks
  • Peter Parker
  • Mountain climbers
  • LBCs

Station 3

  • Merkins
  • Carolina drydocks
  • Wide merkins
  • Evander Holyfields

Station 4

  • Shoulder taps
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Plank jacks
  • Moroccan nightclubs

That took everybody up to 6.00, those who finished a few minutes early ran laps until time was up.


  • Q schedule is up for August – sign up or Mr. Clean will be happy to harass you, which he’s surely getting good at now that he’s a member of an HOA board
  • Rusty Bucket 2nd F tonight
  • September 9, Ronald McDonald House
  • Races and triathlons

Praises & prayers:

  • Gator, who got stung by a wasp in addition to everything else – but is recovering like a champ
  • Safe travel for Barron & Trump heading up north
  • More safe travel for Sniper, driving out to Nebraska to help farmers
  • Ripken, who gets the M and kids back home today…hopefully the house is, ummm, clean
  • Thor’s M on the loss of an uncle
  • Family of friend of Bing who recently took his life

Most important message of the day – if you’re struggling with something, the pax is here to help get you through it. Don’t suffer alone. Remember, the 2nd F is for fellowship.

Manziel out.