Station Identification

Weather was as usual … Perfect for a Beatdown!!!!

WE gathered at Nathan Benderson Park for what was to be another fun “F3 Beatdown”. The Pax were anxious to get started so after the disclaimer was proclaimed we grabbed our hydration and moseyed toward the tower. The group lined up in front of the Beast and performed numerous sets of “warm-up” exercises to include High Knees, Butt Kickers, Karioke with a bunch of NUR mixed in. We then circled up to do (in cadence) Side Straddle Hops (20), Strawberry Pickers(15), Imperial Walkers(15) and Merkins(10). Finally Brother JD lead the Pax in the famous “BBS” (Bad Back Stretch).

We interrupt this ‘back blast’ to bring you a station identification …

The Thang was introduced/explained

Groups of 3 or 4 completed each of the four(4) stations below …

Station #1        Legs

-2 members do BAll Squats (Squat with a 10lb medicine ball then, on the up, pass the ball to your partner who then does a squat and passes back … rinse and repeat for 20 squats)

-other members rest while performing a wall sit until it is their turn.

rinse and repeat for 5 mins


Station #2        Merkins

-2 members do face to face merkins slapping alternate hands on the up for a total of 10 merkins

-other members hold a plank until it’s their turn

rinse and repeat for 5 mins


Station #3           Shoulders

-one member runs up the hill to the jeep where attached are a set of ropes (perform 50 reps of rope swings … single, double, jackswing etc.) run back to grup

– other members are performing Carolina Dry Docks, Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Night Clubs (Rotate for 5 mins)

rinse and repeat for 5 mins


Station #4               AB’s

-2 members standing back to back pass a 20lb medicine ball back a forth in a twisting motion

– other members sprint to a cone and do 25 flutter kicks then sprint back and switch places with the other two with the medicine ball

rinse and repeat for 5 mins

Commercial Breaks .. in between station and on the whistle, ALL members ascended to the top of the tower to “catch your breath”

Then descend the tower and start the next station (x3)

At the end the 11 member Pax successfully completed a “Team Big Boy” …  sitting side by side and with interlocked arms, in cadence the Pax enthusiastically completed a set of 10 Big Boy Situps. Gator was the catalyst in making this happen.

Ended at 6:00 ///

Praise to ShamWow for his Strength & Toughness and looking forward to seeing him back out in the Gloom. #respectrespectrespect