St. Pete Fun

Weather:  Hot with light rain

QIC:  Scrum

This was my first trip to the new downtown St. Pete AO.  Beautiful location – right on the Bay.  Great place to watch the sunrise.  We had 7 pax total, with one FNG.  Several of the pax made the trip down from Clearwater.  This AO should hopefully grow quickly.  We set up in a grassy area between the parking lot and the beach.  During the beatdown, we noticed about 5-10 joggers who appeared to be F3 material.  I think the consistency should easily attract onlookers.

Pax started with a mosey around the North Shore park.  We stopped twice to do warm-up exercises.  Also, mixed in were high knees, nur and carioca x2.


  1. SSH x20 IC
  2. Strawberry pickers x10 IC
  3. Abe Vigoda x10 IC
  4. Toy Soldiers x15 IC
  5. Imperial Walkers x15 IC
  6. Arm Circles OYO
  7. Agitator OYO

The Thang

Suicides.  To get our heart rate up, the pax ran three sets of suicides using the lines in the parking lot.

Animal Walks.  The pax then proceeded to the grass area, where two sets of cones were placed in lines about 20 yards apart.  Pax proceeded to perform several animal walks to the cones and back:

  • Bear Crawl
  • Duck Walk
  • Crab Walk
  • Bunny Hop

Rotation.  Had 12 stations set up, each with 2 exercises to perform.  The pax did a full rotation through all 12 stations performing the first exercise.  Then, made a second rotation with the second exercise.  In all, pax completed 24 exercises.  Each exercise was performed for 1 minute continuously, with a 20 second break.

  1. A) Ball slam front   B) Overhead toss    (30 lb slam ball)
  2. A)  Peter Parker   B) Mountain Climbers
  3. A) Curls   B) Overhead press     (Dumbbell set at 25 lbs)
  4. A) Raised push-ups   B) Kettle swing     (Cinder blocks)
  5. A) Hello Dolly with jug,  B) American hammer with jug    (Water jug)
  6. A) Battle ropes – up/down   B) Battle ropes – sides   (Battle ropes)
  7. A) Squats  B)  Lunges with ball to side   (15lb ball)
  8. A)  LBC   B)  Big boy sit up    (Water jug)
  9. A) Chin lift   B)  Bent over row  (Bucket filled with bricks)
  10. A)  Roller – Straight Out   B)  Roller – Left / Right  (Roller)
  11. A)  Moroccan Night Clubs  B)  Shoulder flys  (Bricks)
  12. A)  Jump Squats  B)  Burpees

After 30 minutes and quarts of sweat, pax returned to the center of the field and closed with the COT.


  • ManU:  From Manchester, England. Lived in the U.S. 7 years. Lawyer turned investment advisor.  Married 5 years.

Praises / Prayers:

  • Peach Fuzz:  Son is training at Paris Island.  About to enter a critical portion of the training.


  • Reminder about Ronald McDonald house
  • Encouraged pax to return each Saturday and expand the DTSP AO