Running Three Ways

Weather: 67 and beautiful, though perhaps a bit dark šŸ˜‰

This morning’s rendition of the Ft. Hamer Bridge run saw seven pax show up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Bing announced he was looking to get 6 miles in while Jimmy Dean said he and Six Pack were going to perform three exercises every 1/4 mile or so. We all headed for the bridge and commenced with our running routine.

YHC brought up the rear of the group early on. Jimmy Dean and Six Pack leap frogged with me across the bridge as they stopped for their exercises, and then they headed East down Upper Manatee River Road before returning to make it back across the bridge. The rest of the pax headed for Waterlefe. I spied Mr. Clean returning just as I got to the main entrance. Marvel slipped by me somewhere along the way.Ā  I turned around at the 1.5 mile mark and headed back.Ā  Bing and Goob caught up with me just as I was getting back to the bridge. Once they made it to the parking lot, they grabbed the rest of the pax and headed back across the bridge to bring me in.

We all circled up upon returning andĀ  much ado was made about Bing’s Tracer 360 from noxgear. He mentioned someone who saw him at Wawa said they could see him a mile away and was wondering where they could get one. Bing lamented the fact that it does not have rechargeable batteries. The count was completed followed by name-o-rama.

Announcements included Gridlock participating in a Boston Marathon pre-qualifier run and Ripkin participating in a triathlon. Prayer requests were mentioned including Goob’s job search.

Hopefully I didn’t forget anything here, I wasn’t at the top of my game today.

Lambeau out.




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