Ruckin Good Fun

Weather: 70 and steamy

QIC: ShamWow

Pax: Lambeau, Manziel, Bing, ShamWow, Chili Pepper, Crab Cakes, Goob, Ricky Bobby, Mr Clean, Wahlburger, Yamaha

Core principles shared along with the disclaimer and we all took off for some ruckin and running. The initial plan was to ruck run 4-5 miles but that changed quickly. After 1 mile we did 20x Fence Squats and Merkins. Next up was a round of catch me if you can. Partner 1 does 10x CDD, LBC and sumo squats while partner 2 double run rucks away. After the exercises, partner 1 catches partner 2 and flip flops.

Roughly 3 miles were covered by the Ruckers.


  • GrowRuck registration has gone well. 26 for the Suncoast and nearly 52 overall
  • Sup n Run in May
  • Ronald McDonald House end of March
  • Gator Wilderness Run


  • Praise to Wahlburger, Mr Clean, Crab Cakes for helping sponsor 2 more pax for GrowRuck
  • Praises for Mrs Clean getting better
  • Praise and prayers for Lori for her progress
  • Prayers and praise for Sarah and her progress and starting Chemotherapy Monday
  • Prayers for Ricky Bobby and his M during this time of transition and change.