R-U-C-K in the USA, “Rucking in the U-S-A”

Pax- Lancelot, Snapshot, Clutch, Mopar, Slater  & Coop

63°, Cool and breezy

5:15,  After the 5 core principles were recited and  mozied over to a warm parking lot , downtown

With the disclaimer from last week, stating that not every Q by me will be a “Ruck” beatdown, however, Coop contacted me at the last minute and suggested some ideas for a rucking intro. So I broke 1/2 the promise and turned the workout into a Boot camp/Ruck beatdown.

After running the ramps of a 5 story garage we arrived at the top to start the “Thang”

Coop took the “chosen” one and they ran around the top level of the garage w/ some Ruck a few basis cadence type exercises, from lunges, push ups, to squats, and etc.

As the Ruck pair did their thing, the reaming Pax did core exercises until the return of the “Chosen one.

1o x  of each , repeat

Merkins – Overhead Clap – Squats – Lunges – Mountain Climbers – Flutter Kicks – Imperial Walkers – LBCs – Burpees

By the time all Pax  completed their Ruck assignments, it was time to head back

COT at the Statue, little fellowship…


Clay Shoot Event, January 25th, Sniper,

Bridge of Life Race, February 15th, Gridlock

Bayside Men’s Night, January 31st

Praises to Snapshot, doing well with his Ragnar 31 day Challenge, resisting temptation with the “Bad Foods” and pushing himself to make Lifestyle changes with his new 2020 healthy lifestyle regime.

 Prayers: To Trane’s & Ripkin’s Ms, Fellow F3 Pax challenged with their own lives, all Military, but especially those in the Middle East who are or potentially faced with some difficult times, as they protect our Freedom and our Country. All First Responders, Police, and etc for protecting us here at home. Blessed for Our Lord savior for getting us all through the past Holiday season and keeping us all safe and healthy as we begin this new Millennium.

Enjoyed the fellowship with these great men and honored. Thank you Coop for helping us out.

Plant, Serve, Grow… – Lancelot