QSource | Q1.10 Prayer

QSource | Q1.10 Prayer

Weather | 85° F | Humidity 67% | Wind: 16mph S

5 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.10: Prayer.If anyone feels inclined to lead one these discussions there is a signup sheet on the Q schedule.

Q1.10 | Prayer


The Daily Discipline Of Talking With The Creator In Order To Build Faith


Ephesians 6:18 (NIV) And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert, and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


  • Does Faith play a role in Leadership?
  • How did we get here?
  • Are fear and worry bad things?


A Virtuous Leader must have Faith

  • Faith is a man’s Right relationship with his Creator.
  • A man cannot Live, Lead or Leave Right unless he is Accelerating this relationship along with his Fitness and Fellowship.
  • Without a belief in a power outside of himself a man will have no choice but to view himself as the king of the world. A man who believes that lie cannot be a Virtuous Leader because he will be incapable of seeing himself first as a servant.

Prayer provides answers

  • Because he is a Pro, the HIM seeks the truth so that he can get prepared for the expected and be prepared for the unexpected.
  • The What-What is the amalgam of the two questions a Pro has asked from the time man first tried to associate what he was doing (the things he could Control) with what was happening in the world around him (the things he could not Control).
  • The first WHAT is what will happen when I die? The second WHAT is what does that mean about the way I should live?
  • Though we seem to have unlocked so many of the secrets of what can be known of the world we can see around us, man alone cannot answer the What-What for himself. He can only do that through Prayer, by talking with his Creator in order to build his Faith.

Prayer is the Pro’s antidote to anxiety

  • All men are subject to the emotions of fear and worry. In proper measure, they are an important part of the bundle of instincts that protect us from danger.
  • But, like all good things, fear and worry can become so excessive that they interfere with our daily lives. They can take over.
  • A man has four options when anxiety threatens to overwhelm him. He can:
    • 1) surrender to it
    • 2) confront the emotion himself
    • 3) seek help in battling it from another man
    • 4) Pray
  • To truly overcome anxiety, he must also Pray.
  • When anxiety arises unexpectedly it is the man who is in Right relationship with his Creator who is best able to withstand it because
    he will be equipped with Hope.
  • Hope is not self-generated. It starts with a firm belief that some force outside of oneself is directing Events and that the force has our best interests in mind.
  • To have Hope in the Creator, a man must speak to him every day through Prayer.


  • A Virtuous Leader must have Faith
  • Prayer provides answers
  • Prayer is the Pro’s antidote to worry

Homework for 5/11

Thoughts for the week:

  • Is there a connection between Leadership and Faith?
  • How does a man know his belief system is based upon truth?
  • Is Faith static or dynamic?